↗️ Vector#


Vector are fundamental and extremly powerfull tool to manage motions, forces and… well… do physics!

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“With vectors, physics has found a magnificent language.”

—Richard Feynman

Get vector from orientation#


Compute the displacement vector of the entity according to its orientation. This vector is composed of 3 elementary vectors stored on the scores bs.vector[X,Y,Z] (each between -1000 and 1000).

(execution) as <entities>

The entities for which the vector will be computed

(scores) @s bs.vector.[x,y,z]

The vector components


Create, for each Creeper, a vector from their respective orientation

# Once
execute as @e[type=creeper] run function bs.vector:get_from_orientation

Get vector “as to at”#


Compute a vector from the source entity to the execution position of the function.

(execution) as <entities>

The entities for which a vector will be computed, taking there own position as origin

(execution) at <entities> or positioned <x> <y> <z>

The position of the destination (must be unique)

(scores) @s bs.vector.[x,y,z]

The vector components


Create a vector that connects you to the nearest skeleton:

# Once
execute as @s at @e[type=skeleton] run function bs.vector:get_ata

Get length#


Compute the norm of the vector

(execution) as <entities>

The entities for which the vector will be computed

(scores) @s bs.vector.[x,y,z]

The vector components

(score) @s bs.out.0

The vector length


Compute the length of a vector you defined on yourself

# Once
scoreboard players set @s bs.vector.x 1000
scoreboard players set @s bs.vector.y 2000
scoreboard players set @s bs.vector.z 3000

execute as @s run function bs.vector:lenght

# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text":"<"},{"selector":"@s"},{"text":">"},{"text":" Vector length: ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"bs.out.0"}}]

Performance tip

If you want to minimize the performance impact, we recomande you to use the lenght_squared function instead of this one when it’s possible. In fact, computing the lenght of a vector require to perform square root operation which is not a simple task for a computer, especially in Minecraft.

lenght_squared can often be used in the following cases:

  • You want to compare the length with a given one, then compute manually the square of the given value and compare it with the result of lenght_squared, which is faster than computing the real length.

  • You want to compare a vector length with another one, then you can compare the result of lenght_squared instead of computing the real length of both vectors.


Compute the norm of the squared vector and store it on the score bs.out.0.

(execution) as <entities>

The entities for which the vector will be computed

(scores) @s bs.vector.[x,y,z]

The vector components

(score) @s bs.out.0

The vector length squared


Compute the length squared of a vector you defined on yourself

# Once
scoreboard players set @s bs.vector.x 1000
scoreboard players set @s bs.vector.y 2000
scoreboard players set @s bs.vector.z 3000

execute as @s run function bs.vector:lenght_squared

# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text":"<"},{"selector":"@s"},{"text":">"},{"text":" Vector length squared: ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"bs.out.0"}}]



Allows to normalize the components of the vector by putting the length at 1000 (=1 but shited by 3 digits) while respecting the proportions linking these components.

(execution) as <entities>

The entities for which the vector will be normalized

(scores) @s bs.vector.[x,y,z]

The vector components

(scores) @s bs.vector.[x,y,z]

The normalized vector components

Performance tip

Normalization of vector doesn’t often need to be accurate, so you can try first to use the fast_normalize function instead of this one. It is less accurate, but it avoid the square root computation so it is faster.


Allows to normalize the components of the vector by placing the largest component at 1000 (=1 but shited by 3 digits) while respecting the proportions linking these components.

(execution) as <entities>

The entities for which the vector will be normalized

(scores) @s bs.vector.[x,y,z]

The vector components

(scores) @s bs.vector.[x,y,z]

The normalized vector components

Convert canonical to local vector#


Allows to convert a “normal” vector (using the relative reference frame) into local coordinates (using the local reference frame)

(execution) as <entities>

The entities for which the vector will be transformed

(scores) @s bs.vector.[x,y,z]

The canonical vector components

(scores) @s bs.vector.[x,y,z]

The local vector components


Find the local vector corresponding to the vector X=1000, Y=0, Z=0

# Once
scoreboard players set @s bs.vector.x 1000
scoreboard players set @s bs.vector.y 0
scoreboard players set @s bs.vector.z 0
function bs.vector:get_from_classic_vector

# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text":"<"},{"selector":"@s"},{"text":">"},{"text":" VectorLeft: ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"bs. vectorLeft"}, "color": "gold"},{"text": "VectorUp: ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "bs. vectorUp"}, "color": "gold"},{"text":" VectorFront: ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "bs.vector.z"}, "color": "gold"}]

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