🏃 Move#

bs.move:: This folder contains all the functions related to the movement of the entity.

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“In the universe, everything is mouvement.”

—Heraclite d’Ephèse

Move using local vector#

by_local_vector: Allows to move the entity according to its vector on each axis of the local reference frame.

  • A vector of 1000 on an axis will lead to a movement of a block at each execution of the function.

  • The sum of the movements on each axis will give a movement in space (thus in 3 dimensions), corresponding to the global vector of the entity.

  • The system takes as input the 3 scores bs.vector[Left,Up,Front] (1000 <=> 1 block).


The system does not include any speed limit. However, the resources consumed by this function are proportional to the number of blocks/tick at which the entity moves.


  • Apply a movement of 0.3 blocks per tick to the left to all boats:

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @e[type=boat] bs.vector.x 300
    scoreboard players set @e[type=boat] bs.vector.y 0
    scoreboard players set @e[type=boat] bs.vector.z 0
    # In loop
    execute as @e[type=boat] run function bs.move:by_local_vector

Move by classic vector#

by_vector: Allows to move the entity according to its vector on each axis of the relative reference frame.

  • A vector of 1000 on an axis will lead to a movement of a block at each execution of the function.

  • The sum of the movements on each axis will give a movement in space (thus in 3 dimensions), corresponding to the global vector of the entity.

  • The system takes as input the 3 scores bs.vector[X,Y,Z] (1000 <=> 1 block) as well as the bs.collision score.

  • This last score allows to manage the behavior. If it is not filled in or equal to 0, the entity will cross all the blocks

  • Each behavior is defined via a dedicated file in glib_config:move/by_vector/

  • It is possible to manage the precision of collision detection by placing the tag bs.config.override on the entity and then changing its score bs.precision to the desired value (1000 <=> 1 block, 500 <=> 0.5 blocks)

  • If the precision is higher than 1 block, the entity will have a certain probability to cross the walls of a block of thickness.


The system does not include any speed limit. However, the collision accuracy breaks the vector into multiple vectors with a length corresponding to the detection accuracy. The system will then enter a loop to restore the initial vector by successively applying the “vector pieces”. Thus, the longer the length of the vector compared to the collision detection accuracy, the more resources the system will require to perform optimally.


  • Apply a movement of 0.3 blocks per tick in the X direction to all boats (simulating a sea current):

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @e[type=boat] bs.vector.x 300
    scoreboard players set @e[type=boat] bs.vector.y 0
    scoreboard players set @e[type=boat] bs.vector.z 0
    # In loop
    execute as @e[type=boat] run function bs.move:by_vector
  • Take into account collisions and make the boat stop, with a precision of 0.1 block:

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @e[type=boat] bs.vector.x 300
    scoreboard players set @e[type=boat] bs.vector.y 0
    scoreboard players set @e[type=boat] bs.vector.z 0
    scoreboard players set @e[type=boat] bs.collision 2
    tag @e[type=boat] add bs.config.override
    scoreboard players set @e[type=boat] bs.precision 100
    # In loop
    execute as @e[type=boat] run function bs.move:by_vector

Move forward#

forward: Allows to move the entity according to the direction towards which it looks and its vector bs.vector.z

  • A vector of 1000 on an axis will cause a movement of one block at each execution of the function.

  • The sum of the movements on each axis will give a movement in space (thus in 3 dimensions), corresponding to the global vector of the entity.

    • The system takes as input the 3 scores bs.vector[Left,Up,Front] (1000 <=> 1 block).


The system does not include any speed limit. However, the resources consumed by this function are proportional to the number of blocks/tick at which the entity moves.


  • Apply a movement of 0.3 blocks per tick forward to all boats:

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @e[type=boat] bs.vector.z 300
    # In a loop
    execute as @e[type=boat] run function bs.move:forward

Find a path “as to at”#

pathfind_ata: Allows to determine a path between the position of the source entity and the execution position of the function.

  • By default, the function will make 500 tests (defined via the bs.in.1 score). This limit allow to avoid the function taking too many ressources if the path is too complexe or impossible to find.

  • The behavior is defined by the variable bs.in.3 which, by default is 0, corresponding to a behavior of a zombie, creeper, skeleton or a player (terrestrial entity of size 121).

    • When it is set to 1, the behavior will be similar to a bat.

    • You can create your own behaviors at any time in the pathfind/config/ folder and link them in the main.mcfunction file in the same folder.

  • The path is then defined by a succession of armor_stand with the tag “Glib_Pathfind_Rewind” and “Glib_Pathfind”.


  • Find the path to the nearest armor_stand:

    # Once
    execute at @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,limit=1,sort=nearest] run function bs.move:pathfind_ata

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Convert vector to motion#

vector_to_motion: Allows to move the entity according to its vector through a motion (motion system integrated in the game).

  • A vector of 1000 on an axis will move a block at each tick of the game.

  • The sum of the movements on each axis will give a movement in space (thus in 3 dimensions), corresponding to the global vector of the entity.


This system admits a speed limit corresponding to that of the Motions. Moreover, the entity will have by default a collision system preventing it from crossing blocks. Moreover, adding Marker, NoAI, NoGravity tags can block this system. Collisions are integrated in this system but are not very reliable and therefore not recommended. Only activated when the entity has a Collision score greater than 1 (each value corresponds to a type of collision). You can modify the collision reactions or create your own in the by_vector/config/collision/ folder. By default, the precision of the collisions, stored on the Var5 score, is 500 (= 0,5 blocks). }}

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