🧱 Block#

bs.block: Systems for manipulating blocks

Get block ID#

get : Gives the executing entity a score corresponding to a unique identifier of the block + blockstate located where the function is executed.

  • The result is stored on the score bs.block.id


Make the player named Steve retrieve the block id under his feet.

# Once
execute as Steve at @s positioned ~ ~-1 ~ run function bs.block:get

# See the result
scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar bs.block.id

Set block from ID#

set: Places a block (and associated blockstates) corresponding to the identifier stored on the executing entity.

  • The identifier must be given via the score bs.block.id.


Make the player named Steve put the block on top of him, corresponding to the identifier he has given on his score bs.block.id

# Once
execute as Steve at @s positioned ~ ~2 ~ run function bs.block:set

# See the result
# Look above Steve

Convert block ID to item ID#

convert_to_item: Convert a block id stored on the executing entity to an item id.

  • The block identifier must be indicated by the bs.block.id score

  • The item identifier will be stored on the score bs.item.id


Make the player named Steve get the item identifier corresponding to the block that is indicated by his score bs.block.id

# Once
execute as Steve run function bs.block:convert_to_item

# See the result
scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar bs.item.id

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