🎨 Color#
Facilitate color conversion between various formats.

“Color helps to express light—not the physical phenomenon, but the only light that really exists, that in the artist’s brain.”
—Henri Matisse
Minecraft color format
The internal color format for Minecraft is decimal. This module facilitates the conversion between this integer (decimal) format and other commonly used formats.
🔧 Functions#
You can find below all functions available in this module.
Convert to hexadecimal#
- #bs.color:rgb_to_hex {color:[]}
Convert a color from RGB to hexadecimal.
- Inputs:
Function macro:
- Arguments
- color: Vector representing the RGB color (example: [0,255,128]).
- Arguments
- Outputs:
bs:out color.rgb_to_hex
: Color as an hexadecimal string.
Convert an RGB color to hexadecimal:
# Get the RGB color
function #bs.color:rgb_to_hex {color:[0,255,128]}
# Show the result
data get storage bs:out color.rgb_to_hex
- #bs.color:int_to_hex {color:<value>}
Convert a color from integer to hexadecimal.
- Inputs:
Function macro:
- Arguments
- color: Color as an integer.
- Arguments
- Outputs:
bs:out color.int_to_hex
: Color as an hexadecimal string.
Get the hexadecimal color of the nearest zombie’s leather helmet:
# Get the hexadecimal color
function #bs.color:int_to_hex with entity @e[type=minecraft:zombie,sort=nearest,limit=1] ArmorItems[3].tag.display
# Show the result
data get storage bs:out color.int_to_hex
Credits: Aksiome, theogiraudet
Convert to integer#
- #bs.color:hex_to_int {color:<value>}
Convert a color from hexadecimal to integer.
- Inputs:
Function macro:
- Arguments
- color: Color as an hexadecimal string (example: #ffffff).
- Arguments
- Outputs:
Return | Score
$color.hex_to_int bs.out
: Color as an integer.Storage
bs:out color.hex_to_int
: Color as an integer.
Change the color of the nearest zombie’s leather helmet using the hexadecimal format:
# Summon a test subject
summon minecraft:zombie ~ ~ ~ {ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:"minecraft:leather_helmet",Count:1b}]}
# Set the helmet color
execute as @e[type=minecraft:zombie,sort=nearest,limit=1] store result entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.display.color int 1 run function #bs.color:hex_to_int {color:"#ffffff"}
- #bs.color:rgb_to_int {color:[]}
Convert a color from RGB to integer.
- Inputs:
Function macro:
- Arguments
- color: Vector representing the RGB color (example: [0,255,128]).
- Arguments
- Outputs:
Return | Score
$color.rgb_to_int bs.out
: Color as an integer.Storage
bs:out color.rgb_to_int
: Color as an integer.
Change the color of the nearest zombie’s leather helmet using the RGB format:
# Summon a test subject
summon minecraft:zombie ~ ~ ~ {ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:"minecraft:leather_helmet",Count:1b}]}
# Set the helmet color
execute as @e[type=minecraft:zombie,sort=nearest,limit=1] store result entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.display.color int 1 run function #bs.color:rgb_to_int {color:[255,0,0]}
Credits: Aksiome, theogiraudet
Convert to RGB#
- #bs.color:hex_to_rgb {color:<value>}
Convert a color from hexadecimal to RGB.
- Inputs:
Function macro:
- Arguments
- color: Color as an hexadecimal string (example: #ffffff).
- Arguments
- Outputs:
bs:out color.hex_to_rgb
: Vector representing the RGB color.Scores
$color.hex_to_rgb.[r,g,b] bs.out
: Vector components representing the RGB color.
Convert an hexadecimal color to RGB:
# Get the RGB color
function #bs.color:hex_to_rgb {color:"#ffffff"}
# Show the result
data get storage bs:out color.hex_to_rgb
- #bs.color:int_to_rgb {color:<value>}
Convert a color from integer to RGB.
- Inputs:
Function macro:
- Arguments
- color: Color as an integer.
- Arguments
- Outputs:
bs:out color.int_to_rgb
: Vector representing the RGB color.Scores
$color.int_to_rgb.[r,g,b] bs.out
: Vector components representing the RGB color.
Get the RGB color of the nearest zombie’s leather helmet:
# Get the RGB color
function #bs.color:int_to_rgb with entity @e[type=minecraft:zombie,sort=nearest,limit=1] ArmorItems[3].tag.display
# Show the result
data get storage bs:out color.int_to_rgb
Credits: Aksiome, theogiraudet
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