# 🎨 Color **`#bs.color:help`** Facilitate color conversion between various formats. ```{image} /_imgs/modules/color.png :align: center :class: dark_light ``` ```{epigraph} "Color helps to express light—not the physical phenomenon, but the only light that really exists, that in the artist's brain." -- Henri Matisse ``` ```{admonition} Minecraft color format :class: info The internal color format for Minecraft is decimal. This module facilitates the conversion between this integer (decimal) format and other commonly used formats. ``` --- ## 🔧 Functions You can find below all functions available in this module. --- ### Convert to hexadecimal :::::{tab-set} ::::{tab-item} RGB to hexadecimal ```{function} #bs.color:rgb_to_hex {color:[]} Convert a color from RGB to hexadecimal. :Inputs: **Function macro**: :::{treeview} - {nbt}`compound` Arguments - {nbt}`list` **color**: Vector representing the RGB color (example: [0,255,128]). ::: :Outputs: **Storage `bs:out color.rgb_to_hex`**: {nbt}`string` Color as an hexadecimal string. ``` *Convert an RGB color to hexadecimal:* ```mcfunction # Get the RGB color function #bs.color:rgb_to_hex {color:[0,255,128]} # Show the result data get storage bs:out color.rgb_to_hex ``` :::: ::::{tab-item} Integer to hexadecimal ```{function} #bs.color:int_to_hex {color:} Convert a color from integer to hexadecimal. :Inputs: **Function macro**: :::{treeview} - {nbt}`compound` Arguments - {nbt}`int` **color**: Color as an integer. ::: :Outputs: **Storage `bs:out color.int_to_hex`**: {nbt}`string` Color as an hexadecimal string. ``` *Get the hexadecimal color of the nearest zombie's leather helmet:* ```mcfunction # Get the hexadecimal color function #bs.color:int_to_hex with entity @e[type=minecraft:zombie,sort=nearest,limit=1] ArmorItems[3].tag.display # Show the result data get storage bs:out color.int_to_hex ``` :::: ::::: > **Credits**: Aksiome, theogiraudet --- ### Convert to integer :::::{tab-set} ::::{tab-item} Hexadecimal to integer ```{function} #bs.color:hex_to_int {color:} Convert a color from hexadecimal to integer. :Inputs: **Function macro**: :::{treeview} - {nbt}`compound` Arguments - {nbt}`string` **color**: Color as an hexadecimal string (example: #ffffff). ::: :Outputs: **Return | Score `$color.hex_to_int bs.out`**: Color as an integer. **Storage `bs:out color.hex_to_int`**: {nbt}`int` Color as an integer. ``` *Change the color of the nearest zombie's leather helmet using the hexadecimal format:* ```mcfunction # Summon a test subject summon minecraft:zombie ~ ~ ~ {ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:"minecraft:leather_helmet",Count:1b}]} # Set the helmet color execute as @e[type=minecraft:zombie,sort=nearest,limit=1] store result entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.display.color int 1 run function #bs.color:hex_to_int {color:"#ffffff"} ``` :::: ::::{tab-item} RGB to integer ```{function} #bs.color:rgb_to_int {color:[]} Convert a color from RGB to integer. :Inputs: **Function macro**: :::{treeview} - {nbt}`compound` Arguments - {nbt}`list` **color**: Vector representing the RGB color (example: [0,255,128]). ::: :Outputs: **Return | Score `$color.rgb_to_int bs.out`**: Color as an integer. **Storage `bs:out color.rgb_to_int`**: {nbt}`int` Color as an integer. ``` *Change the color of the nearest zombie's leather helmet using the RGB format:* ```mcfunction # Summon a test subject summon minecraft:zombie ~ ~ ~ {ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:"minecraft:leather_helmet",Count:1b}]} # Set the helmet color execute as @e[type=minecraft:zombie,sort=nearest,limit=1] store result entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.display.color int 1 run function #bs.color:rgb_to_int {color:[255,0,0]} ``` :::: ::::: > **Credits**: Aksiome, theogiraudet --- ### Convert to RGB :::::{tab-set} ::::{tab-item} Hexadecimal to RGB ```{function} #bs.color:hex_to_rgb {color:} Convert a color from hexadecimal to RGB. :Inputs: **Function macro**: :::{treeview} - {nbt}`compound` Arguments - {nbt}`string` **color**: Color as an hexadecimal string (example: #ffffff). ::: :Outputs: **Storage `bs:out color.hex_to_rgb`**: {nbt}`list` Vector representing the RGB color. **Scores `$color.hex_to_rgb.[r,g,b] bs.out`**: Vector components representing the RGB color. ``` *Convert an hexadecimal color to RGB:* ```mcfunction # Get the RGB color function #bs.color:hex_to_rgb {color:"#ffffff"} # Show the result data get storage bs:out color.hex_to_rgb ``` :::: ::::{tab-item} Integer to RGB ```{function} #bs.color:int_to_rgb {color:} Convert a color from integer to RGB. :Inputs: **Function macro**: :::{treeview} - {nbt}`compound` Arguments - {nbt}`int` **color**: Color as an integer. ::: :Outputs: **Storage `bs:out color.int_to_rgb`**: {nbt}`list` Vector representing the RGB color. **Scores `$color.int_to_rgb.[r,g,b] bs.out`**: Vector components representing the RGB color. ``` *Get the RGB color of the nearest zombie's leather helmet:* ```mcfunction # Get the RGB color function #bs.color:int_to_rgb with entity @e[type=minecraft:zombie,sort=nearest,limit=1] ArmorItems[3].tag.display # Show the result data get storage bs:out color.int_to_rgb ``` :::: ::::: > **Credits**: Aksiome, theogiraudet ---
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