🏷️ ID#


Manage entity IDs, essential in scenarios like shooting games where you need to track who is targeting whom.

“We know what we are, but know not what we may be.”

—William Shakespeare

🔧 Functions#

You can find below all functions available in this module.

Give simple unique ID#


Give a unique bs.id score to each entity.


Execution as <entities>: Entities to assign an ID to.


Score @s bs.id: Generated simple unique id.

Give an ID to all players:

# Give an id to all players who don’t already have one
execute as @a[predicate=!bs.id:has_suid] run function #bs.id:give_suid

# See the result
scoreboard objective setdisplay sidebar bs.id

Credits: Aksiome, KubbyDev

Give chain unique ID#


Give a unique bs.cid score to each entity.


Execution as <entities>: Entities to assign an ID to.


Score @s bs.cid: Generated chain unique id.

How it works

The chain ID is similar to the simple ID. However with chain IDs, you can use the function #bs.id:update_cuids to make sure there are no gaps in the ID sequence, thus creating a continuous chain.

Give an ID to all players:

# Give an id to all players who don’t have one
execute as @a[predicate=!bs.id:has_cuid] run function #bs.id:give_cuid

# See the result
scoreboard objective setdisplay sidebar bs.cid

Credits: Aksiome, KubbyDev

Update chain unique ID#


Update all entities CUIDs to ensure the chain is continuous.

Ensure the chain is free of gaps and duplicates:

function #bs.id:update_cuids

# See the result
scoreboard objective setdisplay sidebar bs.cid

Credits: Aksiome, KubbyDev

👁️ Predicates#

You can find below all predicates available in this module.

Check simple unique ID#


Determine if an entity has a bs.id score.

Give an suid to all entities that aren’t identified by a bs.id score:

execute as @e[predicate=!bs.id:has_suid] run function #bs.id:give_suid

Find an entity that has the same bs.id as the input value.


Score $id.suid bs.in: Value to check against.

Find the entity that has a bs.id equal to 1:

scoreboard players set $id.suid bs.in 1
execute as @e[predicate=bs.id:suid_equal,limit=1] run say I'm the one

Filter entities that have a bs.id less than or equal to the input value.


Score $id.suid bs.in: Value to check against.

Filter entities that have a bs.id less than or equal to 17:

scoreboard players set $id.suid bs.in 17
execute as @e[predicate=bs.id:suid_lower] run say I'm a minor

Filter entities that have a bs.id greater than or equal to the input value.


Score $id.suid bs.in: Value to check against.

Filter entities that have a bs.id greater than or equal to 18:

scoreboard players set $id.suid bs.in 18
execute as @e[predicate=bs.id:suid_upper] run say I'm an adult

Filter entities that have a bs.id between the given values.


Score $id.suid.min bs.in: Min value to check against.

Score $id.suid.max bs.in: Max value to check against.

Filter entities that have a bs.id between 2 and 4:

scoreboard players set $id.suid.min bs.in 2
scoreboard players set $id.suid.max bs.in 4
execute as @e[predicate=bs.id:suid_match,limit=1] run say In range

Credits: Aksiome

Check chain unique ID#


Determine if an entity has a bs.cid score.

Give an cuid to all entities that aren’t identified by a bs.cid score:

execute as @e[predicate=!bs.id:has_cuid] run function #bs.id:give_cuid

Find an entity that has the same bs.cid as the input value.


Score $id.cuid bs.in: Value to check against.

Find the entity that has a bs.cid equal to 1:

scoreboard players set $id.cuid bs.in 1
execute as @e[predicate=bs.id:cuid_equal,limit=1] run say I'm the one

Filter entities that have a bs.cid less than or equal to the input value.


Score $id.cuid bs.in: Value to check against.

Filter entities that have a bs.cid less than or equal to 17:

scoreboard players set $id.cuid bs.in 17
execute as @e[predicate=bs.id:cuid_lower] run say I'm a minor

Filter entities that have a bs.cid greater than or equal to the input value.


Score $id.cuid bs.in: Value to check against.

Filter entities that have a bs.cid greater than or equal to 18:

scoreboard players set $id.cuid bs.in 18
execute as @e[predicate=bs.id:cuid_upper] run say I'm an adult

Filter entities that have a bs.cid between the given values.


Score $id.cuid.min bs.in: Min value to check against.

Score $id.cuid.max bs.in: Max value to check against.

Filter entities that have a bs.cid between 2 and 4:

scoreboard players set $id.cuid.min bs.in 2
scoreboard players set $id.cuid.max bs.in 4
execute as @e[predicate=bs.id:cuid_match,limit=1] run say In range

Credits: Aksiome

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