# 👀 View **`#bs.view:help`** Execute commands based on what an entity sees. ```{image} /_imgs/modules/view.png :align: center :class: dark_light p-2 ``` ```{epigraph} "Vision is the act of seeing things as they could be, not as they are." -- Gretchen Rubin ``` --- ## 🔧 Functions You can find below all functions available in this module. --- ### Aimed block ```{function} #bs.view:at_aimed_block Run a command at the aligned coordinates of the block an entity is aiming at. :Inputs: **Execution `as `**: Entity whose eyes determine the vision origin. **Macro Var `run` [string]**: Command to run at the targeted block position. ``` *Change the block you are looking at:* ```mcfunction # Once (will run if you are targeting a block) function #bs.view:at_aimed_block {run:"setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:sponge"} ``` ```{admonition} Advanced usage :class: dropdown This system is a simplified, specific use case of the `#bs.raycast:run` function. It internally relies on it, allowing you to read its output and providing the flexibility to alter its behavior by modifying its input. [Learn more here](raycast.md) ``` > **Credits**: Aksiome --- ### Aimed entity ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} As ```{function} #bs.view:as_aimed_entity Run a command as the entity that is aimed by the current entity. :Inputs: **Execution `as `**: Entity whose eyes determine the vision origin. **Macro Var `run` [string]**: Command to run as the targeted entity. ``` *Run a command as the entity that you are looking at:* ```mcfunction # Once (will run if you are targeting an entity) function #bs.view:as_aimed_entity {run:"say I'm sorry, are you hitting on me?"} ``` ::: :::{tab-item} At ```{function} #bs.view:at_aimed_entity Run a command at the entity that is aimed by the current entity. :Inputs: **Execution `as `**: Entity whose eyes determine the vision origin. **Macro Var `run` [string]**: Command to run at the targeted entity. ``` *Run a command at the entity that you are looking at:* ```mcfunction # Once (will run if you are targeting an entity) function #bs.view:at_aimed_entity {run:"particle minecraft:heart ~ ~2 ~ 0 0 0 0 1"} ``` ::: :::: ```{admonition} Advanced usage :class: dropdown This system is a simplified, specific use case of the `#bs.raycast:run` function. It internally relies on it, allowing you to read its output and providing the flexibility to alter its behavior by modifying its input. [Learn more here](raycast.md) ``` ```{admonition} Performance tip :class: tip In Minecraft, predicates can check if a player is looking at an entity. If you only need a simple player specific check without the additional functionalities of the raycast, you should consider using the [Looked entity](#looked-entity) functions. ``` > **Credits**: Aksiome --- ### Can see "as to at" ```{function} #bs.view:can_see_ata Determine if an entity, from its current position, can have an unobstructed view to the execution position. :Inputs: **Execution `as `**: Entities that are being checked. **Execution `at ` or `positioned `**: Position you want to check for visibility. **Storage `bs:in view.can_see_ata.ignored_blocks` [string]**: Blocks to ignore (default: `#bs.view:can_see_through`). :Outputs: **Return**: Whether the check is a success or a failure (1 or 0). ``` *Run a command on entities that may be able to see you:* ```mcfunction # Once execute at @s as @e[distance=0.1..] if function #bs.view:can_see_ata run say You're not hiding very well... ``` > **Credits**: Aksiome, Leirof --- ### In view "as to at" ```{function} #bs.view:in_view_ata Determine if an entity has the execution position in its view angle. :Inputs: **Execution `as `**: Entities that are being checked. **Execution `at ` or `positioned `**: Position you want to check if it's within the field of view. **Storage `bs:in view.in_view_ata.angle` [number]**: Angle that represents the field of view (based on the world and not the fov option). ``` *Check whether the position 0 5 0 is in your field of view::* ```mcfunction # Once execute as @s positioned 0 5 0 run function #bs.view:in_view_ata ``` > **Credits**: Aksiome, Leirof --- ### Looked entity ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} As ```{function} #bs.view:as_looked_entity Run a command as the entity a player is looking at. :Inputs: **Execution `as `**: Player whose eyes determine the vision origin. **Macro Var `run` [string]**: Command to run as the looked at entity. **Tag `bs.view.is_lookable`**: Tag that must be added to entities that can be looked at. ``` *Make the armor_stand the player is looking at glow:* ```mcfunction # Once tag @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand] add bs.view.is_lookable function #bs.view:as_looked_entity {run:"effect give @s minecraft:glowing 1 0 true"} ``` ::: :::{tab-item} At ```{function} #bs.view:at_looked_entity Run a command at the entity a player is looking at. :Inputs: **Execution `as `**: Player whose eyes determine the vision origin. **Macro Var `run` [string]**: Command to run at the looked at entity. **Tag `bs.view.is_lookable`**: Tag that must be added to entities that can be looked at. ``` *Summon particles at the armor_stand the player is looking at:* ```mcfunction # Once tag @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand] add bs.view.is_lookable function #bs.view:at_looked_entity {run:"particle minecraft:crit ~ ~2 ~ 0 0 0 0 1"} ``` ::: :::: ```{admonition} Technical limitations :class: important As this function relies on a player specific predicate, it is exclusively designed for players. Additionally, to optimize performance, only a maximum of 255 entities are allowed to have the `bs.view.is_lookable` tag simultaneously. ``` > **Credits**: Aksiome ---
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