# 🧮 Math **`#bs.math:help`** The beatifull world of mathematics... **in Minecraft!** ```{image} /_imgs/modules/math-light.png :align: center :class: only-light ``` ```{image} /_imgs/modules/math-dark.png :align: center :class: only-dark ``` ```{epigraph} "Mathematics has very subtle inventions that can be of great service, both to satisfy the curious and to facilitate all arts and reduce the labor of men." -- René Descartes ``` ```{button-link} https://youtu.be/Bt0HKaOosqU :color: primary :align: center :shadow: {octicon}`device-camera-video` Watch a demo ``` --- ## 🔧 Functions You can find below all functions available in this module. --- ### Combine ```{function} #bs.math:combine Compute the combine of 2 numbers. :Inputs: **Scores `$math.combine.[m,n] bs.in`**: Numbers to be combined, the smaller input will be taken from the greater input. :Outputs: **Return | Score `$math.combine bs.out`**: Result of the operation. ``` ```{admonition} Technical limitation :class: important The value of `bs.out` is incorrect if the result is greater than 2147483647 or `$math.combine.[m,n] bs.in` are not both positive. ``` *Compute $combine(4,2)$:* ```mcfunction # Once scoreboard players set $math.combine.m bs.in 4 scoreboard players set $math.combine.n bs.in 2 function #bs.math:combine tellraw @a [{"text": "combine(4,2) = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$math.combine","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"}] ``` > **Credits**: Ethanout --- ### Exponential ```{function} #bs.math:exp Compute the exponential function. :Inputs: **Storage `bs:in math.exp.value` [number]**: Number to be exponentiated. :Outputs: **Storage `bs:out math.exp` [double]**: Result of the operation. ``` ```{admonition} Technical limitation :class: important Due to the limit of integers that can be stored in a score, the interval of `bs:in` is limited to `[-6,15[`. ``` *Compute $exp(3)$:* ```mcfunction # Once data modify storage bs:in math.exp.value set value 3.0 function #bs.math:exp data get storage bs:out math.exp ``` ![](/_imgs/modules/math/exp.png) > **Credits**: Aksiome, KubbyDev --- ### Factorial ```{function} #bs.math:factorial Compute the factorial of the number. :Inputs: **Score `$math.factorial.n bs.in`**: Number to be factorialized. :Outputs: **Return | Score `$math.factorial bs.out`**: Result of the operation. ``` ```{admonition} Technical limitation :class: important Due to the limit of integers that can be stored in a score, the interval of `bs.in.0` is limited to `[0,12]`. ``` *Compute $3!$:* ```mcfunction # Once scoreboard players set $math.factorial.n bs.in 3 function #bs.math:factorial tellraw @a [{"text": "3! = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$math.factorial","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"}] ``` ![](/_imgs/modules/math/factorial.png) > **Credits**: KubbyDev --- ### Float radix ```{function} #bs.math:frexp Decompose a floating point number into a normalized fraction and an integral power of two. :Inputs: **Storage `bs:in math.frexp.value` [number]**: Number to be decomposed. :Outputs: **Storage `bs:out math.frexp.e` [int]**: Exponent for the power of 2. **Storage `bs:out math.frexp.x` [double]**: Normalized fraction in range `]-1,-0.5]` or `[0.5,1[`. ``` *Decompose 5.8 into its mantissa and exponent:* ```mcfunction # Once data modify storage bs:in math.frexp.value set value 5.8 function #bs.math:frexp data get storage bs:out math.frexp ``` > **Credits**: Aksiome --- ### Greatest common denominator ```{function} #bs.math:gcd Compute the greatest common denominator of two numbers. :Inputs: **Scores `$math.gcd.[a,b] bs.in`**: The two numbers. :Outputs: **Return | Score `$math.gcd bs.out`**: The greatest common denominator. ``` *Calculate the greatest common denominator between 16 and 12:* ```mcfunction # Once scoreboard players set $math.gcd.a bs.in 16 scoreboard players set $math.gcd.b bs.in 12 function #bs.math:gcd tellraw @a [{"text": "gcd(16,12) = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$math.gcd", "objective": "bs.out"}, "color": "gold"}] ``` ![](/_imgs/modules/math/gcd.png) > **Credits**: Aksiome, Leirof --- ### Inverse trigonometry ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Acos ```{function} #bs.math:acos Compute the arc cosine of a value between -1 and 1. :Inputs: **Score `$math.acos.value bs.in`**: Value you want to compute the arccosine of, shifted by 3 digits (1,2345 -> 1234) for better precision in integer scores. :Outputs: **Return | Score `$math.acos bs.out`**: Result of the operation in degrees, shifted by 2 digits. ``` *Compute and display the arccosine of 0.42:* ```mcfunction # Once scoreboard players set $math.acos.value bs.in 420 function #bs.math:acos tellraw @a [{"text":"acos(0.42) = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$math.acos","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"}] ``` ![](/_imgs/modules/math/arccos.png) ::: :::{tab-item} Asin ```{function} #bs.math:asin Compute the arc sine of a value between -1 and 1. :Inputs: **Score `$math.asin.value bs.in`**: Value you want to compute the arcsine of, shifted by 3 digits (1,2345 -> 1234) for better precision in integer scores. :Outputs: **Return | Score `$math.asin bs.out`**: Result of the operation in degrees, shifted by 2 digits. ``` *Compute and display the arcsine of 0.42:* ```mcfunction # Once scoreboard players set $math.asin.value bs.in 420 function #bs.math:asin tellraw @a [{"text":"asin(0.42) = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$math.asin","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"}] ``` ![](/_imgs/modules/math/arcsin.png) ::: :::{tab-item} Atan ```{function} #bs.math:atan Compute the arc tangent of a value between -infinite and +infinite. :Inputs: **Score `$math.atan.value bs.in`**: Value you want to compute the arctangent of, shifted by 3 digits (1,2345 -> 1234) for better precision in integer scores. :Outputs: **Return | Score `$math.atan bs.out`**: Result of the operation in degrees, shifted by 2 digits. ``` *Compute and display the arctan of 0.42:* ```mcfunction # Once scoreboard players set $math.atan.value bs.in 420 function #bs.math:atan tellraw @a [{"text":"atan(0.42) = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$math.atan","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"}] ``` ![](/_imgs/modules/math/arctan.png) ::: :::{tab-item} Atan2 ```{function} #bs.math:atan2 Compute the 2-argument arctangent of y and x. :Inputs: **Scores `$math.atan2.[y,x] bs.in`**: Values you want to compute the arctangent of, shifted by 3 digits (1,2345 -> 1234) for better precision in integer scores. :Outputs: **Return | Score `$math.atan2 bs.out`**: Result of the operation in degrees, shifted by 2 digits. ``` *Compute and display the atan2 of (0.42, 0.8):* ```mcfunction # Once scoreboard players set $math.atan2.y bs.in 420 scoreboard players set $math.atan2.x bs.in 800 function #bs.math:atan2 tellraw @a [{"text":"atan2(0.42, 0.8) = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$math.atan2","objective":"bs.out"},"color":"gold"}] ``` ::: :::: > **Credits**: Aksiome, KubbyDev, Leirof --- ### Logarithm ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Base e (Neperian) ```{function} #bs.math:log Compute the Neperian logarithm (base e) of a number. :Inputs: **Storage `bs:in math.log.value` [number]**: Number to be logarithmized. :Outputs: **Storage `bs:out math.log` [double]**: Result of the operation. ``` *Calculate $ln(28)$:* ```mcfunction # Once data modify storage bs:in math.log.value set value 28.0 function #bs.math:log data get storage bs:out math.log ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Base 2 ```{function} #bs.math:log2 Compute the logarithm in base 2 of a number. :Inputs: **Storage `bs:in math.log2.value` [number]**: Number to be logarithmized. :Outputs: **Storage `bs:out math.log2` [double]**: Result of the operation. ``` *Calculate $log_2(28)$:* ```mcfunction # Once data modify storage bs:in math.log2.value set value 28.0 function #bs.math:log2 data get storage bs:out math.log2 ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Base 10 ```{function} #bs.math:log10 Compute the logarithm in base 10 of a number. :Inputs: **Storage `bs:in math.log10.value` [number]**: Number to be logarithmized. :Outputs: **Storage `bs:out math.log10` [double]**: Result of the operation. ``` *Calculate $log_{10}(28)$:* ```mcfunction # Once data modify storage bs:in math.log10.value set value 28.0 function #bs.math:log10 data get storage bs:out math.log10 ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Base a ```{function} #bs.math:loga Compute the logarithm in base a of a number. :Inputs: **Storage `bs:in math.loga.value` [number]**: Number to be logarithmized. **Storage `bs:in math.loga.a` [number]**: Base of the logarithm. :Outputs: **Storage `bs:out math.loga` [double]**: Result of the operation. ``` *Calculate $log_4(28)$:* ```mcfunction # Once data modify storage bs:in math.loga.a set value 4 data modify storage bs:in math.loga.value set value 28.0 function #bs.math:loga data get storage bs:out math.loga ``` ::: :::: > **Credits**: Aksiome, KubbyDev --- ### Power ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Power ```{function} #bs.math:pow {scaling:} Compute $x^y$. :Inputs: **Score `$math.pow.base bs.in`**: The base. **Score `$math.pow.exp bs.in`**: The exponent. **Macro Var `scaling` [number]**: Scalar for the function’s input base and the output. :Outputs: **Return | Score `$math.pow bs.out`**: Result of the operation. ``` *Compute $2.245^6$:* ```mcfunction # Once scoreboard players set $math.pow.base bs.in 2245 scoreboard players set $math.pow.exp bs.in 6 function #bs.math:pow {scale:1000} tellraw @a [{"text": "(2.245^6)*(1000) = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$math.pow", "objective": "bs.out"}, "color": "gold"}] ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Power of 2 ```{function} #bs.math:pow2 Compute $2^n$. :Inputs: **Score `$math.pow2.exp bs.in`**: The exponent. :Outputs: **Return | Score `$math.pow2 bs.out`**: Result of the operation. ``` *Compute $2^6$:* ```mcfunction # Once scoreboard players set $math.pow2.exp bs.in 6 function #bs.math:pow2 tellraw @a [{"text": "2^6 = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$math.pow2", "objective": "bs.out"}, "color": "gold"}] ``` ::: :::: ![](/_imgs/modules/math/power.png) > **Credits**: Aksiome, Leirof --- ### Rounded division ```{function} #bs.math:divide Divide a number by another then round the result to the nearest integer (Minecraft rounds down to the next integer). :Inputs: **Score `$math.divide.num bs.in`**: The numerator. **Score `$math.divide.den bs.in`**: The denominator. :Outputs: **Return | Score `$math.divide bs.out`**: Result of the division. ``` *Calculate $9/5$:* ```mcfunction # Once scoreboard players set $math.divide.num bs.in 9 scoreboard players set $math.divide.den bs.in 5 function #bs.math:divide tellraw @a [{"text": "9 / 5 = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$math.divide", "objective": "bs.out"}, "color": "gold"}] ``` ![](/_imgs/modules/math/divide.png) > **Credits**: Aksiome, theogiraudet --- ### Square root ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Integer ```{function} #bs.math:isqrt Compute the square root of an int number. :Inputs: **Score `$math.isqrt.value bs.in`**: Number you want to calculate the square root of. :Outputs: **Return | Score `$math.isqrt bs.out`**: Floored result of the square root. ``` *Calculate and display $\sqrt{42}$:* ```mcfunction # Once scoreboard players set $math.isqrt.value bs.in 42 function #bs.math:isqrt tellraw @a [{"text": "sqrt(42) = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$math.isqrt", "objective": "bs.out"}, "color": "gold"}] ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Decimal ```{function} #bs.math:sqrt Compute the square root of a floating number. :Inputs: **Storage `bs:in math.sqrt.value` [number]**: Number you want to calculate the square root of. :Outputs: **Storage `bs:out math.sqrt` [float]**: Result of the operation. ``` *Calculate and display $\sqrt{42}$:* ```mcfunction # Once data modify storage bs:in math.sqrt.value set value 42 function #bs.math:sqrt tellraw @a [{"text": "sqrt(42) = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"nbt": "math.sqrt", "storage": "bs:out", "color": "gold"}] ``` ::: :::: ![](/_imgs/modules/math/sqrt.png) > **Credits**: Ethanout --- ### Trigonometry ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Cos ```{function} #bs.math:cos Compute the cosine of an angle between 0 and 360. :Inputs: **Score `$math.cos.angle bs.in`**: Angle in degrees shifted by 2 digits (ex: 90.15 -> 9015). :Outputs: **Return | Score `$math.cos bs.out`**: Cosine of the angle shifted by 3 digits (ex: 0.42 -> 420). ``` *Compute and display the cosine of 42:* ```mcfunction # Once scoreboard players set $math.cos.angle bs.in 4200 function #bs.math:cos tellraw @a [{"text": "cos(42) = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$math.cos", "objective": "bs.out"}, "color": "gold"}] ``` ![](/_imgs/modules/math/cosine.png) ```{admonition} How does it work? :class: dropdown This functions use the Bhaskara approximation which tell us that $$ \sin(x) \approx \frac{4x(180-x)}{40500-x(180-x)} \quad \forall x \in [0, 180] $$ From this relation, and using the properties - $\sin(-x) = -\sin(x)$ (antisymetry) - $\sin(x+360) = \sin(x)$ (periodicity) We can compute the sine of any angle and thus the cosine. ![](/_imgs/modules/math/bhaskara.png) ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Sin ```{function} #bs.math:sin Compute the sine of an angle between 0 and 360. :Inputs: **Score `$math.sin.angle bs.in`**: Angle in degrees shifted by 2 digits (ex: 90.15 -> 9015). :Outputs: **Return | Score `$math.sin bs.out`**: Sine of the angle shifted by 3 digits (ex: 0.42 -> 420). ``` *Compute and display the sine of 42:* ```mcfunction # Once scoreboard players set $math.sin.angle bs.in 4200 function #bs.math:sin tellraw @a [{"text": "sin(42) = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$math.sin", "objective": "bs.out"}, "color": "gold"}] ``` ![](/_imgs/modules/math/sine.png) ```{admonition} How does it work? :class: dropdown This functions use the Bhaskara approximation which tell us that $$ \sin(x) \approx \frac{4x(180-x)}{40500-x(180-x)} \quad \forall x \in [0, 180] $$ From this relation, and using the properties - $\sin(-x) = -\sin(x)$ (antisymetry) - $\sin(x+360) = \sin(x)$ (periodicity) We can compute the sine of any angle. ![](/_imgs/modules/math/bhaskara.png) ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Tan ```{function} #bs.math:tan Compute the tangent of an angle between 0 and 360. :Inputs: **Score `$math.tan.angle bs.in`**: Angle in degrees shifted by 2 digits (ex: 90.15 -> 9015). :Outputs: **Return | Score `$math.tan bs.out`**: Tangent of the angle shifted by 3 digits (ex: 0.42 -> 420). ``` *Compute and display the tangent of 42:* ```mcfunction # Once scoreboard players set $math.tan.angle bs.in 4200 function #bs.math:tan tellraw @a [{"text": "tan(42) = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$math.tan", "objective": "bs.out"}, "color": "gold"}] ``` ![](/_imgs/modules/math/tangent.png) ::: :::{tab-item} Sincos ```{function} #bs.math:sincos Compute both the sine and cosine of an angle between 0 and 360 in a single operation. :Inputs: **Score `$math.sincos.angle bs.in`**: Angle in degrees shifted by 2 digits (ex: 90.15 -> 9015). :Outputs: **Score `$math.sincos.cos bs.out`**: Cosine of the angle shifted by 3 digits (ex: 0.42 -> 420). **Score `$math.sincos.sin bs.out`**: Sine of the angle shifted by 3 digits (ex: 0.42 -> 420). ``` *Compute and display the sine and cosine of 42:* ```mcfunction # Once scoreboard players set $math.sincos.angle bs.in 4200 function #bs.math:sincos tellraw @a [{"text": "cos(42) = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$math.sincos.cos", "objective": "bs.out"}, "color": "gold"}] tellraw @a [{"text": "sin(42) = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$math.sincos.sin", "objective": "bs.out"}, "color": "gold"}] ``` ::: :::: > **Credits**: Aksiome, Leirof ---
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