# ❤️ Health **`#bs.health:help`** Efficiently manage the lifecycle and vital aspects of an entity. ```{admonition} About NBTs :class: warning When using the module, you cannot rely on NBTs to get health information. Use the `get_health` and `get_max_health` functions instead. This is because NBTs may not consistently reflect actual values. This choice was made to enhance performance, reliability, and to work around some limitations. ``` ```{epigraph} "He who has a why to live can bear almost any how." -- Friedrich Nietzsche ``` --- ## 🔧 Functions You can find below all functions available in this module. --- ### Add / Remove ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Health ```{function} #bs.helth:add_health Add or remove health points from players. :Inputs: **Execution `as `**: Players whose health will be updated. **Macro var `points` [number]**: Health points to add to players. :Outputs: **State**: Health is scheduled for update. ``` *Heal yourself by 5 HP:* ```mcfunction # Once (execute on you) function #bs.health:add_health {points:5.0} ``` ```{admonition} How to remove :class: tip You can use negative numbers to remove health points from the player. ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Max Health ```{function} #bs.helth:add_max_health Add or remove maximum health points from players. :Inputs: **Execution `as `**: Players whose max health will be updated. **Macro var `points` [number]**: Max health points to add to players. :Outputs: **State**: Max health is scheduled for update. ``` *Increase your max HP by 5:* ```mcfunction # Once (execute on you) function #bs.health:add_max_health {points:5.0} ``` ```{admonition} How to remove :class: tip You can use negative numbers to remove max health from the player. ``` ::: :::: > **Credits**: Aksiome --- ### Get ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Health ```{function} #bs.helth:get_health Get a player's health points. :Inputs: **Execution `as `**: Players from which you want to get health points. **Macro var `scale` [number]**: Scalar for the function’s returned value. :Outputs: **Return | Storage `bs:out health.get_health` [double]**: Player's health points. ``` *Get your current HP (scaled by 1000):* ```mcfunction # See the returned value (execute on you) function #bs.health:get_health {scale:1000} ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Max Health ```{function} #bs.helth:get_max_health Get a player's maximum health points. :Inputs: **Execution `as `**: Players from which you want to get max health points. **Macro var `scale` [number]**: Scalar for the function’s returned value. :Outputs: **Return | Storage `bs:out health.get_max_health` [double]**: Player's max health points. ``` *Get your maximum HP (scaled by 1000):* ```mcfunction # See the returned value (execute on you) function #bs.health:get_max_health {scale:1000} ``` ::: :::: > **Credits**: Aksiome --- ### Set ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Health ```{function} #bs.helth:set_health Set players health points. :Inputs: **Execution `as `**: Players whose health will be updated. **Macro var `points` [number]**: Health points. :Outputs: **State**: Health is scheduled for update. ``` *Set your HP to 10:* ```mcfunction # Once (execute on you) function #bs.health:set_health {points:5.0} ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Max Health ```{function} #bs.helth:set_max_health Set players maximum health points. :Inputs: **Execution `as `**: Players whose max health will be updated. **Macro var `points` [number]**: Max health points. :Outputs: **State**: Max health is scheduled for update. ``` *Set your max HP to 10:* ```mcfunction # Once (execute on you) function #bs.health:set_max_health {points:5.0} ``` ::: :::: > **Credits**: Aksiome --- ### Time to live ```{function} #bs.helth:time_to_live Set the life time of entities. :Inputs: **Execution `as `**: Entities to add a life time to. **Macro var `with.time` [int]**: Time to live. In ticks by default if unit is not defined. **Macro var `with.unit` [string]**: Unit of the specified time (tick, second, minute, hour, t, s, m, h). **Macro var `with.on_death` [string]**: Command that will be run as the entity on its death. :Outputs: **State**: The entity has now a finite life time. ``` *Give creepers a 10 seconds life time:* ```mcfunction # Once execute as @e[type=minecraft:creeper] run function #bs.health:time_to_live {with:{time:10,unit:"s"}} ``` *Give an explosion effect to creepers at the end of their life:* ```mcfunction # Once execute as @e[type=minecraft:creeper] run function #bs.health:time_to_live {with:{time:10,on_death:"execute at @s run particle minecraft:explosion_emitter ~ ~ ~"}} ``` *Update the on_death callback at any given time:* ```mcfunction # Once execute as @e[type=minecraft:creeper] run function #bs.health:time_to_live {with:{time:100,on_death:"execute at @s run particle minecraft:explosion_emitter ~ ~ ~"}} # At any time before the entity's death execute as @e[type=minecraft:creeper,limit=1] run function #bs.health:time_to_live {with:{on_death:"say GOTCHA"}} ``` > **Credits**: Aksiome, Leirof ---
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