# ⛰️ Biome **`#bs.biome:help`** Comprehensive information and tools related to biome properties. ```{image} /_imgs/modules/biome.png :align: center :class: dark_light p-2 ``` ```{epigraph} "The most dangerous worldview is the worldview of those have not viewed the world." -- Alexander von Humboldt ``` --- ## 🔧 Functions You can find below all functions available in this module. --- ### Get temperature ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Base temperature ```{function} #bs.biome:get_base_temperature Get the base temperature of the biome at the execution position of the function. :Inputs: **Execution `at ` or `positioned `**: Position from which you want to get the temperature. :Outputs: **Return | Score `$biome.get_base_temperature bs.out`**: Base temperature of the biome (scaled by 10^8). ``` *Get the base temperature of the current biome:* ```mcfunction # Once function #bs.biome:get_base_temperature ``` ::: :::{tab-item} At a given position ```{function} #bs.biome:get_temperature Get the temperature at the execution position of the function taking the altitude into account. :Inputs: **Execution `at ` or `positioned `**: Position from which you want to get the temperature. :Outputs: **Return | Score `$biome.get_base_temperature bs.out`**: Temperature at a given position (scaled by 10^8). ``` *Get the temperature at the current altitude:* ```mcfunction # Once function #bs.biome:get_temperature ``` ::: :::: > **Credits**: Aksiome, theogiraudet --- ## 👁️ Predicates You can find below all predicates available in this module. --- ### Can it rain? **`bs.biome:can_rain`** Determine if it can rain or not. > **Credits**: Aksiome --- ### Can it snow? **`bs.biome:can_snow`** Determine if it can snow or not. > **Credits**: Aksiome --- ### Can it rain or snow? **`bs.biome:has_precipitation`** Determine if the biome has precipitation or not. > **Credits**: Aksiome ---
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