# 🧮 Math **`bs.math:_`** The beatifull world of mathematics... **in Minecraft!**
```{button-link} https://youtu.be/Bt0HKaOosqU :color: primary :align: center :shadow: {octicon}`device-camera-video` Watch a demo ``` ```{epigraph} "Mathematics has very subtle inventions that can be of great service, both to satisfy the curious and to facilitate all arts and reduce the labor of men." -- René Descartes ``` --- ## Algebra **`bs.math:algebra/_`** This folder allows you to perform algebra operations --- ### Basis rotation 3D **`bs.math:algebra/basis_rotation_3d`** Allows to obtain the equivalent of the vector passed in parameter in a base with a different orientation. Useful to convert an absolute/relative position into a local position for a given entity. :Inputs: (execution) `as ` : The entities you want to perform the computation on (scores) `@s bs.in.[0,1,2]` : Vector coordinates $(X,Y,Z)$ in the starting base (scores) `@s bs.in.[3,4]` : Horizontal (along $\hat{z}$) and vertical (along $\hat{\phi}$) rotation (in degree) from the starting base :Outputs: (scores) `bs.out.[0,1,2]` : Vector coordinates $(X',Y',Z')$ in the target base :Examples: A block is in ~2 ~5 ~10 from me, I want to have this position in local coordinate (^? ^? ^?) ``` # One time # Relative coordinates (we multiply by 1000 to have more precision on the result, which will also be multiplied by 1000) scoreboard players set @s bs.in.0 2000 scoreboard players set @s bs.in.1 5000 scoreboard players set @s bs.in.2 10000 # Difference between my orientation (= that of the coondata grid ^X ^Y ^Z) and the orientation of the Minecraft blocks grid (~X ~Y ~Z) function bs.orientation:get scoreboard players operation @s bs.in.3 = @s bs.ori.h scoreboard players operation @s bs.in.4 = @s bs.ori.v # Perform the basic rotation function bs.math:algebra/basis_rotation_3d # See the result tellraw @a [{"text": "X = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "bs.out.0"}, "color": "gold"},{"text":", Y = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "bs. res1"},"color":"gold"},{"text":", Z = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"bs.out.2"},"color":"gold"}] ``` I want to have a vector pointing to where I'm looking, but in relative coordinates ~X ~Y ~Z (also called "classical" vector in this library) ``` # Once # Retrieve a vector ^ ^ ^1 corresponding to a vector directed according to the orientation of the entity (we multiply by 1000 to have more precision on the result, which will also be multiplied by 1000) scoreboard players set @s bs.in.0 0 scoreboard players set @s bs.in.1 0 scoreboard players set @s bs.in.2 1000 # Get the orientation function bs.orientation:get scoreboard players operation @s bs.in.3 = @s bs.ori.h scoreboard players operation @s bs.in.4 = @s bs.ori.v # Reversal of the orientation since we want to have the relative orientation of the game grid compared to the orientation of the player (unlike the previous example) scoreboard players operation @s bs.in.3 *= -1 bs.const scoreboard players operation @s bs.in.4 *= -1 bs.const # Perform the basic rotation function bs.math:algebra/basis_rotation_3d # See the result tellraw @a [{"text": "X = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "bs.out.0"}, "color": "gold"},{"text":", Y = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "bs. res1"},"color":"gold"},{"text":", Z = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"bs.out.2"},"color":"gold"}] ``` --- ## Common **`bs.math:common/_`** This folder contains the usual math functions --- ### Rounded division **`bs.math:common/divide`** Allows you to divide one number by another by rounding the result to the nearest whole number (where Minecraft rounds down to the next whole number). :Inputs: (execution) `as ` : The entities you want to perform the operation on (score) `@s bs.in.0` : The numerator (score) `@s bs.in.1` : The denominator :Output: (score) `@s bs.out.0` : The result of the division :Example: Calculate $9/5$ ``` # Once scoreboard players set @s bs.in.0 9 scoreboard players set @s bs.in.1 5 function bs.math:common/divide tellraw @a [{"text": "9 / 5 = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "bs.out.0"}, "color": "gold"}] ``` ![](https://gunivers.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/divide.png) --- ### Exponential **`bs.math:common/exp`** Compute the exponential of the number passed in parameter on the score `bs.in.0` and return the result on the score `bs.out.0` :Inputs: (execution) `as ` : The entities you want to perform the operation on (score) `@s bs.in.0` : The number to be exponentiated shifted by two digits (1,2345 -> 123) for better precision in integer scores ```{admonition} Technical limitation :class: important Due to the limit of integers that can be stored in a score, the interval of `bs.in.0` is limited to `[-600,1200]` (i.e. `[-6;12]` in real value) ``` :Output: (score) `@s bs.out.0` : The result of the operation shifted by 3 digits (1,2345 -> 1234) for better precision in integer scores :Example: Calculate $exp(3)$ ``` # Once scoreboard players set @s bs.in.0 300 function bs.math:common/exp tellraw @a [{"text":"exp(3)*10^3 = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"bs.out.0"},"color":"gold"}] ``` ![](https://gunivers.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/exp.png) ```{note} We are looking for a better implementation of this function. If you have any ideas, please join our [Discord server](https://discord.gg/E8qq6tN) to discuss with us! ``` --- ### Factorial **`bs.math:common/factorial`** Compute the factorial of the number :Inputs: (execution) `as ` : The entities you want to perform the operation on (score) `@s bs.in.0` : The number to be factorialized ```{admonition} Technical limitation :class: important Due to the limit of integers that can be stored in a score, the interval of `bs.in.0` is limited to `[0,12]` ``` :Output: (score) `@s bs.out.0` : The result of the operation :Example: Compute $3!$ ``` # Once scoreboard players set @s bs.in.0 3 function bs.math:common/factorial tellraw @a [{"text": "3! = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"bs.out.0"},"color":"gold"}] ``` ![](https://gunivers.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/factorial.png) --- ### Greatest common denominator **`bs.math:common/gcd`** Compute the greatest common denominator of two numbers :Inputs: (execution) `as ` : The entities you want to perform the operation on (score) `@s bs.in.0` : The first number (score) `@s bs.in.1` : The second number :Output: (score) `@s bs.out.0` : The greatest common denominator :Example: Calculate the greatest common denominator between 16 and 12 ``` # Once scoreboard players set @s bs.in.0 16 scoreboard players set @s bs.in.1 12 function bs.math:common/gcd tellraw @a [{"text": "gcd(16,12) = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "bs.out.0"}, "color": "gold"}] ``` ![](https://gunivers.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/gcd.png) --- ### Logarithm ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Base e (Neperian) **`bs.math:common/log`** Compute the Neperian logarithm (base e) of a number :Inputs: (execution) `as ` : The entities you want to perform the operation on (score) `@s bs.in.0` : The number to be logarithmized, shifted by 3 digits (1,2345 -> 1234) for better precision in integer scores :Output: (score) `@s bs.out.0` : The result of the operation, shifted by 3 digits (1,2345 -> 1234) for better precision in integer scores :Example: Calculate $ln(28)$ ``` # Once scoreboard players set @s bs.in.0 28000 function bs.math:common/log tellraw @a [{"text":"ln(28)*10^3 = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"bs.out.0"},"color":"gold"}] ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Base 2 **`bs.math:common/log2`** Compute the logarithm in base 2 of a number :Inputs: (execution) `as ` : The entities you want to perform the operation on (score) `@s bs.in.0` : The number to be logarithmized, shifted by 3 digits (1,2345 -> 1234) for better precision in integer scores :Output: (score) `@s bs.out.0` : The result of the operation, shifted by 3 digits (1,2345 -> 1234) for better precision in integer scores :Example: Calculate $log_2(28)$: ``` # Once scoreboard players set @s bs.in.0 28000 function bs.math:common/log2 tellraw @a [{"text":"log2(28)*10^3 = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"bs.out.0"},"color":"gold"}] ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Base 10 **`bs.math:common/log10`** Compute the logarithm in base 10 of a number :Inputs: (execution) `as ` : The entities you want to perform the operation on (score) `@s bs.in.0` : The number to be logarithmized, shifted by 3 digits (1,2345 -> 1234) for better precision in integer scores :Output: (score) `@s bs.out.0` : The result of the operation, shifted by 3 digits (1,2345 -> 1234) for better precision in integer scores :Example: Calculate $log_{10}(28)$ ``` # Once scoreboard players set @s bs.in.0 28000 function bs.math:common/log10 tellraw @a [{"text":"log10(28)*10^3 = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"bs.out.0"},"color":"gold"}] ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Base a **`bs.math:common/loga`** Computes the logarithm in base a of a number :Inputs: (execution) `as ` : The entities you want to perform the operation on (score) `@s bs.in.0` : The number to be logarithmized, shifted by 3 digits (1,2345 -> 1234) for better precision in integer scores (score) `@s bs.in.1` : The base of the logarithm (not shifted) :Output: (score) `@s bs.out.0` : The result of the operation, shifted by 3 digits (1,2345 -> 1234) for better precision in integer scores :Example: Calculate $log_4(28)$ ``` # Once scoreboard players set @s bs.in.0 28000 scoreboard players set @s bs.in.1 4 function bs.math:common/loga tellraw @a [{"text":"log4(28)*10^3 = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"bs.out.0"},"color":"gold"}] ``` ::: :::: ### Power ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Normal **`bs.math:common/pow`** Compute $x^y$ :Inputs: (execution) `as ` : The entities you want to perform the calculation on (score) `@s bs.in.0` : The base (score) `@s bs.in.1` : The exponent :Output: (score) `@s bs.out.0` : The result of the calculation :Example: Compute $2^6$ ``` # Once scoreboard players set @s bs.in.0 2 scoreboard players set @s bs.in.1 6 function bs.math:common/pow tellraw @a [{"text": "2^6 = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "bs.out.0"}, "color": "gold"}] ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Scale 3 **`bs.math:common/pow/scale/3`** Compute $x^y$ :Inputs: (execution) `as ` : The entities you want to perform the calculation on (score) `@s bs.in.0` : The base, a number shifted by 3 digits (1,2345 -> 1234) (score) `@s bs.in.1` : The exponent, not shifted :Output: (score) `@s bs.out.0` : The result of the calculation, a number shifted by 3 digits (1,2345 -> 1234) :Example: Compute $2.345^6$ ``` # Once scoreboard players set @s bs.in.0 2345 scoreboard players set @s bs.in.1 6 function bs.math:common/pow/scale/3 tellraw @a [{"text": "2.345^6 = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "bs.out.0"}, "color": "gold"}] ``` ::: :::: ![](https://gunivers.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/power.png) --- ### Square root **`bs.math:common/sqrt`** Compute the square root of the number :Inputs: (execution) `as ` : The entities you want to perform the calculation on (score) `@s bs.in.0` : The number you want to calculate the square root of :Output: (score) `@s bs.out.0` : The result of the calculation :Example: Calculate and display $\sqrt{42}$ ``` # Once scoreboard players set @s bs.in.0 42 function bs.math:common/sqrt tellraw @a [{"text": "sqrt(42) = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "bs.out.0"}, "color": "gold"}] ``` ```{admonition} How does it work? :class: dropdown This system rely on a very simple mathematical concept called dichotomy. As the maximum number that a score can handle is $2^{31}-1 = 2,147,483,647$, the maximum square root is $\sqrt{2,147,483,647} \approx 46,340$. Also, we are dealing with only integer number, so we have a finite number of possible square root. The idea is then to take a number at half of the maximum limit and compute the square of this number. If it is upper thant the input, then we decrease our selected number by a quarter of the maximum limit (and if it's lower, we increase it). We do this operation again and again by increasing/decreasing with $2^N$ time the maximum numer ($N$ being the number of iterations) until finding the square root. As this algorithm converge using a $2^N$ iterator, the convergeance occure in $N=\log_2(\text{max limit}) = log_2(46,340) \approx 16$ iterations.
For a conveniant reason, instead of taking half of the maximum limite, we take the first power of two that is above. In this way, every division by $2^N$ lead to an integer number. ``` ![](https://gunivers.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/sqrt.png) --- ## Special **`bs.math:special/_`** This folder contains functions that are of special interest in algortihms (but not or not much in formal mathematics) --- ### Retrieve the next power of 2 **`bs.math:special/get_next_pow2`** Compute the power of 2 directly superior to the number given in parameter. :Inputs: (execution) `as ` : The entities you want to perform the calculation on (score) `@s bs.in.0` : The number from which you want to calculate the next power of 2 :Output: (score) `@s bs.out.0` : The result of the calculation :Example: Find the power of 2 greater than 43 ``` # Once scoreboard players set @s bs.in.0 43 function bs.math:special/get_next_pow2 tellraw @a [{"text":"get_next_pow2(43) = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"bs.out.0"},"color":"gold"}] ``` --- ### Random number generator **`bs.math:special/random`** Generates a random number :Inputs: (execution) `as ` : The entities you want to perform the calculation on :Output: (score) `@s bs.out.0` : An integer random number between $-2^{31}$ and $2^{31}-1$ ```{tip} To reduce this interval, execute the function then do a "modulo" operation on the result (random % 10 -> the random number will be included in the interval [0;9]) ``` :Example: Get and display a random number between 0 and 100: ``` # Once function bs.math:special/random scoreboard players operation @s bs.out.0 %= 101 bs.const tellraw @a [{"text": "random() = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "bs.out.0"}, "color": "gold"}] Beware: the score `bs.const` does not contain all possible values. Make sure the value you want to use exists and initialize it if necessary. ``` ![](https://gunivers.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/random.png) --- ## Trigonometry **`bs.math:trig/_`** This folder contains basic trigonometry functions, opening a lot of doors to creative possibilities in Minecraft. --- ### Arccosine **`bs.math:trgi/arccos`** Calculate the arccosinus of a value between -1 and 1 :Inputs: (execution) `as ` : The entities you want to perform the calculation on (score) `@s bs.in.0` : The value you want to calculate the arccosine of, shifted by 3 digits (1,2345 -> 1234) for better precision in integer scores :Output: (score) `@s bs.out.0` : The result of the calculation, in degrees (not shifted) :Example: Calculate and display the arccos of 0,42 ``` # Once scoreboard players set @s bs.in.0 420 function bs.math:trig/arccos tellraw @a [{"text":"arccos(0.42) = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"bs.out.0"},"color":"gold"}] ``` ![](https://gunivers.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/arcsin.png) --- ### Arcsine **`bs.math:trg/arcsin`** Compute the arcsinus of a value between -1 and 1 :Inputs: (execution) `as ` : The entities you want to perform the calculation on (score) `@s bs.in.0` : The value you want to calculate the arcsine of, shifted by 3 digits (1,2345 -> 1234) for better precision in integer scores :Output: (score) `@s bs.out.0` : The result of the calculation, in degrees (not shifted) :Example: Calculate and display the arcsinus of 0.42 ``` # Once scoreboard players set @s bs.in.0 420 function bs.math:trig/arcsin tellraw @a [{"text":"arcsin(0.42) = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"bs.out.0"},"color":"gold"}] ``` ![](https://gunivers.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/arccos.png) --- ### Arctangent **`bs.math:trig/arctan`** Compute the arctangent of a value between -infinite and +infinite :Inputs: (execution) `as ` : The entities you want to perform the calculation on (score) `@s bs.in.0` : The value you want to calculate the arctangent of, shifted by 3 digits (1,2345 -> 1234) for better precision in integer scores :Output: (score) `@s bs.out.0` : The result of the calculation, in degrees (not shifted) :Example: Calculate and display the arctan of 0.42 ``` # Once scoreboard players set @s bs.in.0 420 function bs.math:trig/arctan tellraw @a [{"text":"arctan(0.42) = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"bs.out.0"},"color":"gold"}] ``` ```{admonition} How does it work? :class: dropdown This function use two approximations to calculate the arctangent of a value: $$ \begin{cases} \tan(x) = \left(\frac \pi 2 \frac x {|x|} - 4 \frac x {4x^2 + 1}\right)\frac \pi {180} &\forall |x| \geq 0.72\\ \tan(x) = \left( x - \frac {x^3} 3 + \frac {x^5} 5 \right)\frac \pi {180} & \forall |x| < 0.72 \end{cases} $$ ![](img/2023-02-28-18-21-51.png) ``` ![](img/2023-02-28-18-34-44.png) --- ### Cosine **`bs.math:trig/cos`** Compute the cosine of an angle between 0 and 360 :Inputs: (execution) `as ` : The entities you want to perform the calculation on (score) `@s bs.in.0` : The angle in degrees :Outputs: (score) `@s bs.out.0` : The cosine of the angle shifted by 3 digits (ex: 0.42 -> 420) :Example: Calculate and display the cosine of 42 ``` # Once scoreboard players set @s bs.in.0 42 function bs.math:trig/cos tellraw @a [{"text": "cos(42) = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "bs.out.0"}, "color": "gold"}] ``` ```{admonition} How does it work? :class: dropdown This function use the property $cos(x) = sin(x + 90)$ to compute the cosine of an angle. It then uses the [sine](#sine) function to compute the result. ``` ![](https://gunivers.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/cos.png) --- ### Sine **`bs.math:trig/sin`** Computes the sine of an angle between 0 and 360 :Inputs: (execution) `as ` : The entities you want to perform the calculation on (score) `@s bs.in.0` : The angle in degrees :Outputs: (score) `@s bs.out.0` : The sine of the angle shifted by 3 digits (ex: 0.42 -> 420) :Example: Calculate and display the sine of 42 ``` # Once scoreboard players set @s bs.in.0 42 function bs.math:trig/sin tellraw @a [{"text": "sin(42) = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "bs.out.0"}, "color": "gold"}] ``` ```{admonition} How does it work? :class: dropdown This function use the Bhaskara approximation which tell us that $$ \sin(x) \approx \frac{4x(180-x)}{40500-x(180-x)} \quad \forall x \in [0, 180] $$ From this relation, and using the properties - $\sin(-x) = -\sin(x)$ (antisymetry) - $\sin(x+360) = \sin(x)$ (periodicity) We can compute the sine of any angle. ![](img/2023-02-28-18-34-11.png) ``` ![](img/2023-02-07-09-00-23.png) --- ### Tangent **`bs.math:trig/tan`** Compute the tangeant of an angle between 0 and 360 :Inputs: (execution) `as ` : The entities you want to perform the calculation on (score) `@s bs.in.0` : The angle in degrees (not shifted) :Outputs: (score) `@s bs.out.0` : The tangeant of the angle shifted by 3 digits (ex: 0.42 -> 420) :Example: Calculate and display the tengeante of 42 ``` # Once scoreboard players set @s bs.in.0 42 function bs.math:trig/tan tellraw @a [{"text": "tan(42) = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "bs.out.0"}, "color": "gold"}] ``` ![](https://gunivers.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/tan.png) ---
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