# 🧱 Block `bs.block:` Systems for manipulating blocks --- ## Get block ID `get` : Gives the executing entity a score corresponding to a unique identifier of the block + blockstate located where the function is executed. - The result is stored on the score `bs.block.id` *Example:*  Make the player named Steve retrieve the block id under his feet. ``` # Once execute as Steve at @s positioned ~ ~-1 ~ run function bs.block:get # See the result scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar bs.block.id ``` --- ## Set block from ID `set`: Places a block (and associated blockstates) corresponding to the identifier stored on the executing entity. - The identifier must be given via the score `bs.block.id`. *Example:* Make the player named Steve put the block on top of him, corresponding to the identifier he has given on his score `bs.block.id` ``` # Once execute as Steve at @s positioned ~ ~2 ~ run function bs.block:set # See the result # Look above Steve ``` --- ## Convert block ID to item ID `convert_to_item`: Convert a block id stored on the executing entity to an item id. - The block identifier must be indicated by the `bs.block.id` score - The item identifier will be stored on the score `bs.item.id` *Example:* Make the player named Steve get the item identifier corresponding to the block that is indicated by his score `bs.block.id` ``` # Once execute as Steve run function bs.block:convert_to_item # See the result scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar bs.item.id ``` ```{button-link} https://youtu.be/4d-q02JPbaI :color: primary :align: center :shadow: {octicon}`device-camera-video` Watch the video ``` ---
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