🎲 Random#
Contains many random functions for different distributions and noise patterns.

“Creativity is the ability to introduce order into the randomness of nature.”
—Eric Hoffer
🔧 Functions#
You can find below all functions available in this module.
Random choice#
- #bs.random:choice
Selects a random value from a list.
- Inputs:
bs:in random.choice.options
: The list of values to choose from.- Outputs:
bs:out random.choice
: The randomly selected value.Return: The index of the chosen value.
Pick a random fruit from the list:
# Populate list with values
data modify storage bs:in random.choice.options set value ["Apple", "Banana", "Strawberry", "Blueberry", "Mango", "Watermelon"]
# Randomly select one
function #bs.random:choice
# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text":"Value: ","color":"dark_gray"},{"nbt":"random.choice","storage":"bs:out","color":"gold"}]
- #bs.random:weighted_choice
Selects a random value from a list based on specified weights.
- Inputs:
bs:in random.weighted_choice.options
: The list of values to choose from.Storage
bs:in random.weighted_choice.weights
: The corresponding weights for each value.- Outputs:
bs:out random.weighted_choice
: The randomly selected value based on the weights.Return: The index of the chosen value.
Pick a random fruit from the list based on weights:
# Populate list with values
data modify storage bs:in random.weighted_choice.options set value ["Apple", "Banana", "Strawberry"]
# Populate list with weights
data modify storage bs:in random.weighted_choice.weights set value [5, 3, 2]
# Randomly select one based on weights
function #bs.random:weighted_choice
# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text":"Value: ","color":"dark_gray"},{"nbt":"random.weighted_choice","storage":"bs:out","color":"gold"}]
Credits: Aksiome, SBtree
Random distributions#
- #bs.random:uniform {min:<min>,max:<max>}
Generates a random number uniformly distributed between
.- Inputs:
Function macro:
- Arguments
- min: The lower bound.
- max: The upper bound.
- Arguments
- Outputs:
Return | Score
$random.uniform bs.out
: A random integer in range [min
Generate a random number between 1 and 100:
# Generate random number
function #bs.random:uniform {min:1,max:100}
# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text": "Number: ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$random.uniform", "objective": "bs.out"}, "color": "gold"}]
Uniform Distribution… 🥶 What’s this?
Every outcome has an equal chance of happening. It’s like rolling a fair die. Each number (1 through 6) is equally likely.
- #bs.random:binomial {trials:<trials>,probability:<probability>}
Generates a random number with a binomial distribution using the specified
.- Inputs:
Function macro:
- Arguments
- trials: The number of Bernoulli trials. Maximum accepted value is 1000.
- probability: The probability of success of each Bernoulli trial, in range [0,1].
- Arguments
- Outputs:
Return | Score
$random.binomial bs.out
: A random integer in range [0,trials
Generate a random number with 10 trials and a 20% success chance:
# Generate random number
function #bs.random:binomial {trials:10,probability:0.2}
# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text": "Number: ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$random.binomial", "objective": "bs.out"}, "color": "gold"}]
Binomial Distribution… 🥶 What’s this?
Used when you have a fixed number of trials, each with two possible outcomes (like success or failure). It tells you the probability of getting a certain number of successes. For example, flipping a coin 10 times and counting how many heads you get.
- #bs.random:geometric {probability:<probability>}
Generates a random number following a geometric distribution with the given
.- Inputs:
Function macro:
- Arguments
- probability: The probability of stopping at each trial, in range [0,1].
- Arguments
- Outputs:
Return | Score
$random.geometric bs.out
: A random integer in range [0, 1000].
Generate a random number with a 2% chance of stopping:
# Generate random number
function #bs.random:geometric {probability:0.02}
# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text": "Number: ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$random.geometric", "objective": "bs.out"}, "color": "gold"}]
Geometric Distribution… 🥶 What’s this?
Measures the number of trials needed to get the first success in a series of independent and identical trials. For instance, how many times you need to roll a die before getting a six.
- #bs.random:poisson {lambda:<lambda>}
Generates a random number following a Poisson distribution with the expected value
.- Inputs:
Function macro:
- Arguments
- lambda: The expected value in range [0,10].
- Arguments
- Outputs:
Return | Score
$random.poisson bs.out
: A random integer, biased towards thelambda
Generate a random number biased towards 5:
# Generate random number
function #bs.random:poisson {lambda:5}
# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text": "Number: ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"$random.poisson", "objective": "bs.out"}, "color": "gold"}]
Poisson Distribution… 🥶 What’s this?
A Poisson distribution produces values that tend to cluster around an average value, λ (lambda). Most results will be close to this average, which makes it useful for modeling random events happening at a consistent rate.

Credits: Aksiome, SBtree
Noise algorithms#
- #bs.random:simplex_noise_2d
Computes the simplex noise value at given coordinates. Simplex noise is a type of gradient noise, similar to Perlin noise, used for textures or procedural generation.
- Inputs:
$random.simplex_noise_2d.seed bs.in
: The seed used for generation.Scores
$random.simplex_noise_2d.[x,y] bs.in
: Coordinates, scaled by 1000 (e.g., for a cell size of 16, multiply by 1000/16).- Outputs:
Return | Score
$random.simplex_noise_2d bs.out
: The noise value in range [-1000,1000]
Generate a random noise value:
# Generate random noise value
scoreboard players set $random.simplex_noise_2d.x bs.in 15589
scoreboard players set $random.simplex_noise_2d.y bs.in 812
execute store result score $random.simplex_noise_2d.seed bs.in run random value -1000000000..1000000000
function #bs.random:simplex_noise_2d
- #bs.random:fractal_noise_2d
Generates fractal noise by combining multiple noise layers at different scales, often used for terrain generation.
- Inputs:
$random.fractal_noise_2d.seed bs.in
: The seed used for generation.Scores
$random.fractal_noise_2d.[x,y] bs.in
: Coordinates, scaled by 1000 (e.g., for a cell size of 16, multiply by 1000/16).Score
$random.fractal_noise_2d.octaves bs.in
: Number of noise layers to combine (more octaves = more detail).Score
$random.fractal_noise_2d.persistence bs.in
: Contribution of each octave to the total noise, scaled by 1000.Score
$random.fractal_noise_2d.lacunarity bs.in
: Increase in frequency for each octave, scaled by 1000.- Outputs:
Return | Score
$random.fractal_noise_2d bs.out
: The noise value in range [-1000,1000]
Generate a random noise value:
# Generate random noise value
scoreboard players set $random.fractal_noise_2d.x bs.in 15589
scoreboard players set $random.fractal_noise_2d.y bs.in 812
scoreboard players set $random.fractal_noise_2d.octaves bs.in 4
scoreboard players set $random.fractal_noise_2d.persistence bs.in 500
scoreboard players set $random.fractal_noise_2d.lacunarity bs.in 2000
execute store result score $random.fractal_noise_2d.seed bs.in run random value -1000000000..1000000000
function #bs.random:fractal_noise_2d
Credits: Aksiome, SBtree
Noise matrices#
- #bs.random:white_noise_mat_1d {length:<length>,with:{}}
Generates a 1-dimensional array of white noise values.
- Inputs:
Function macro:
- Arguments
- length: Length of the array to generate.
- with:
- scale: Scalar for the function’s output (default: 1).
- Arguments
- Outputs:
bs:out random.white_noise_mat_1d
: Array of values between 0 and {scale}.
Generate 4 random values:
# Generate random noise
function #bs.random:white_noise_mat_1d {length:4,with:{}}
# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text": "Noise: ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"nbt":"white_noise_mat_1d","storage":"bs:out", "color": "gold"}]
- #bs.random:white_noise_mat_2d {width:<width>,height:<height>,with:{}}
Generates a 2-dimensional array of white noise values.
- Inputs:
Function macro:
- Arguments
- width: Width of the array to generate.
- height: Height of the array to generate.
- with:
- scale: Scalar for the function’s output (default: 1).
- Arguments
- Outputs:
bs:out random.white_noise_mat_2d
: 2D array of values between 0 and {scale}.
Generate a 4x4 random noise pattern:
# Generate random noise
function #bs.random:white_noise_mat_2d {width:4,height:4,with:{}}
# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text": "Noise: ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"nbt":"white_noise_mat_2d","storage":"bs:out", "color": "gold"}]
- #bs.random:simplex_noise_mat_2d {width:<width>,height:<height>,with:{}}
Generates a 2D simplex noise texture of size
. Simplex noise is a gradient noise often used for textures.- Inputs:
Function macro:
- Arguments
- width: Width of the array to generate.
- height: Height of the array to generate.
- with:
- size: Size of the noise “cell” (default: 16). Lower size means more detail.
- seed: Seed for the noise generation, allowing for reproducibility (default: random).
- scale: Scalar for the function’s output (default: 1).
- Arguments
- Outputs:
bs:out random.simplex_noise_mat_2d
: 2D array of values between {-scale} and {scale}.
Generate a 16×16 simplex noise pattern:
# Generate random noise
function #bs.random:simplex_noise_mat_2d {width:16,height:16,with:{size:8}}
# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text": "Noise: ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"nbt":"simplex_noise_mat_2d","storage":"bs:out", "color": "gold"}]
- #bs.random:fractal_noise_mat_2d {width:<width>,height:<height>,with:{}}
Generates a 2D fractal noise texture of size
. Fractal noise combines multiple layers of noise for detailed textures.- Inputs:
Function macro:
- Arguments
- width: Width of the array to generate.
- height: Height of the array to generate.
- with:
- size: Size of the noise “cell” (default: 16). Lower size means more detail.
- seed: Seed for the noise generation, allowing for reproducibility (default: random).
- octaves: Number of noise layers (default: 4). More octaves = more detail.
- persistence: Contribution of each octave (default: 0.5). Higher means more detail.
- lacunarity: Increase in frequency for each octave (default: 2.0). Higher means more rapid frequency increase.
- scale: Scalar for the function’s output (default: 1).
- Arguments
- Outputs:
bs:out random.fractal_noise_mat_2d
: 2D array of values between {-scale} and {scale}.
Generate a 16×16 fractal noise pattern:
# Generate random noise
function #bs.random:fractal_noise_mat_2d {width:16,height:16,with:{size:8}}
# Display the result
tellraw @a [{"text": "Noise: ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"nbt":"fractal_noise_mat_2d","storage":"bs:out", "color": "gold"}]
Credits: Aksiome, SBtree
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