# 🎯 Hitbox **`#bs.hitbox:help`** Get and check the hitboxes of blocks or entities. ```{epigraph} "Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see." -- Arthur Schopenhauer ``` --- ## 🔧 Functions You can find below all functions available in this module. --- ### Get :::::{tab-set} ::::{tab-item} Block ```{function} #bs.hitbox:get_block Get the hitbox of a block as a shape, represented by a list of boxes coordinates. Dimensions range from 0 to 16 as for models. :Inputs: **Execution `at ` or `positioned `**: Position from which to get the block hitbox. :Outputs: **Storage `bs:out hitbox`**: :::{treeview} - {nbt}`compound` Block collision box - {nbt}`list` **shape**: A list of cube coordinates (format: `[[xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax]]`). - {nbt}`compound` **offset**: Hitbox offset (used for exemple by flowers). - {nbt}`double` **x**: Number describing the X coordinate offset. - {nbt}`double` **z**: Number describing the Z coordinate offset. ::: ``` *Get the hitbox of stairs:* ```mcfunction setblock 0 0 0 minecraft:oak_stairs execute positioned 0 0 0 run function #bs.hitbox:get_block data get storage bs:out hitbox ``` :::: ::::{tab-item} Entity ```{function} #bs.hitbox:get_entity Get the width and height of an entity. :Inputs: **Execution `as `**: Entity to get the hitbox from. :Outputs: **Storage `bs:out hitbox`**: :::{treeview} - {nbt}`compound` Block collision box - {nbt}`double` **height**: Height of the entity. - {nbt}`double` **width**: Width of the entity. - {nbt}`double` **scale**: Scaling of the hitbox. ::: ``` *Get the hitbox of an armor_stand:* ```mcfunction execute summon minecraft:armor_stand run function #bs.hitbox:get_entity data get storage bs:out hitbox ``` ```{important} Static entities, such as paintings and item frames, do not provide height and width information. Instead, they return a shape similar to blocks in `bs:out hitbox`. ``` :::: ::::: > **Credits**: Aksiome --- ### Is inside ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Block ```{function} #bs.hitbox:is_in_block Check if the execution position is inside the hitbox of a block. :Inputs: **Execution `at ` or `positioned `**: Position to check. :Outputs: **Return**: Success or failure. ``` *Say "My name is Pavel" if you are inside a block:* ```mcfunction execute if function #bs.hitbox:is_in_block run say My name is Pavel ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Entity ```{function} #bs.hitbox:is_in_entity Check if the execution position is inside the entity executing the command. :Inputs: **Execution `as `**: Entity to check. **Execution `at ` or `positioned `**: Position to check. :Outputs: **Return**: Success or failure. ``` *Check if you are inside an entity:* ```mcfunction execute summon minecraft:cow if function #bs.hitbox:is_in_entity run say Oh no... ``` ::: :::: > **Credits**: Aksiome ---
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