--- html_theme.sidebar_primary.remove: true --- # 🛠️ Changelog ## Bookshelf - 2.0.0 ```{admonition} Breaking changes :class: warning This new version is filled with breaking changes. Since maintaining a list of those became unrealistic, the following changelog only highlights a selection of tweaks and new functionalities. ``` ### 🎉 Addition - There is now a changelog! - Added player health manipulation. - Added precise collisions (move, raycast and view). - Added float manipulation (frexp and ldexp). - Added a new hitbox module. - Added a new raycast module. - Added a new sidebar module. ### 🔁 Tweaks - The project has a new fresh identity: Bookshelf. - Every module has been reworked for improved accuracy, performance, and/or simplicity. - Renamed almost everything (scores, objectives, functions, ...). - Many functions now utilize macros, storage, or fake scores instead of objectives. - Removed the core module. The library no longer requires a base module. - Removed outdated modules (cache, item, mapedit, and memory). - Merged the location and orientation modules into a new position module. - Bitwise operations have been moved out of the math module into a separate module. - Enhanced the accuracy of the move and view modules due to their rework and the addition of the new hitbox module. - The schedule module now maintains the current execution context. ### 🐛 Bug fixes - Who knows at this point 🤷‍♂️, almost no legacy code remains...