๐Ÿงฎ Math๏ƒ

glib.math:: The โ€œMathโ€ functions, as their name suggests, are for doing math. Before you run away remembering your indigestible and incomprehensible lessons that you had to endure at school, you should know that here, you wonโ€™t need to do any math (in fact, itโ€™s the purpose of the lib to simplify your life). Nevertheless, the following math functions are theoretical, but they are also what most other systems are based on. If you donโ€™t know what I mean, you can easily create (among other things) raycasting with this lib. This system is essentially based on trigonometry. But again, nothing complicated, everything is already done ;)


glib.math:algebra: this folder allows you to perform algebra operations

Basic rotation๏ƒ

basis_rotation_3d: Allows to obtain the equivalent of the vector passed in parameter in a base with a different orientation. Useful to convert an absolute/relative position into a local position for a given entity.

  • Takes in parameter the scores glib.var[0,1,2] corresponding to the X, Y and Z compositors of the vector in the starting base

  • Takes as parameter the scores glib.var[3,4] corresponding to the difference in orientation of the bases, respectively horizontal (Phi) and vertical (Theta)

  • Returns the Xโ€™, Yโ€™ and Zโ€™ components respectively on the scores glib.res[0,1,2]


  • A block is in ~2 ~5 ~10 from me, I want to have this position in local coordinate (^? ^? ^?)

    # One time
    # Relative coordinates (we multiply by 1000 to have more precision on the result, which will also be multiplied by 1000)
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 2000
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var1 5000
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var2 10000
    # Difference between my orientation (= that of the coondata grid ^X ^Y ^Z) and the orientation of the Minecraft blocks grid (~X ~Y ~Z)
    function glib.orientation:get
    scoreboard players operation @s glib.var3 = @s glib.oriH
    scoreboard players operation @s glib.var4 = @s glib.oriV
    # Perform the basic rotation
    function glib.math:algebra/basis_rotation_3d
    # See the result
    tellraw @a [{"text": "X = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "glib.res0"}, "color": "gold"},{"text":", Y = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "glib. res1"},"color":"gold"},{"text":", Z = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"glib.res2"},"color":"gold"}]
  • I want to have a vector pointing to where Iโ€™m looking, but in relative coordinates ~X ~Y ~Z (also called โ€œclassicalโ€ vector in this library)

    # Once
    # Retrieve a vector ^ ^ ^1 corresponding to a vector directed according to the orientation of the entity (we multiply by 1000 to have more precision on the result, which will also be multiplied by 1000)
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 0
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var1 0
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var2 1000
    # Get the orientation
    function glib.orientation:get
    scoreboard players operation @s glib.var3 = @s glib.oriH
    scoreboard players operation @s glib.var4 = @s glib.oriV
    # Reversal of the orientation since we want to have the relative orientation of the game grid compared to the orientation of the player (unlike the previous example)
    scoreboard players operation @s glib.var3 *= -1 glib.const
    scoreboard players operation @s glib.var4 *= -1 glib.const
    # Perform the basic rotation
    function glib.math:algebra/basis_rotation_3d
    # See the result
    tellraw @a [{"text": "X = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "glib.res0"}, "color": "gold"},{"text":", Y = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "glib. res1"},"color":"gold"},{"text":", Z = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"glib.res2"},"color":"gold"}]


glib.math:bitwise: This folder contains various bitwise operators to apply to scores.

โš ๏ธ Euh, for your own safety, reduce the volume before watching this video ^^'


logical AND๏ƒ

and: Computes the bitwise conjunction of the two input numbers

  • Takes the scores glib.var0 and glib.var1 as parameters

  • Returns the value of the operation glib.var0 & glib.var1 on the score glib.res0.

  • If one of the inputs is negative, the operation will be done between the first operand and the twoโ€™s complement of the second


  • Calculate and display -9 & 57

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 -9
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var1 57
    function glib.math:bitwise/and
    tellraw @a [{"text":"-9 & 57 = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "glib.res0"}, "color": "gold"}]

Get number of bits๏ƒ

get_number_of_bits: Calculates the number of bits needed to store the input

  • Takes the score glib.var0 as parameter

  • Returns the number of bits needed to store the input

  • If the input is negative, returns the number of bits needed to store the absolute value of the number


  • Calculate and display the number of bits of 12

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 12
    function glib.math:bitwise/get_number_of_bits
    tellraw @a [{"text": "Number of bits of 12 = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "glib.res0"}, "color": "gold"}]

logical NOT๏ƒ

not: Computes the bit by bit negation of the input

  • Takes the score glib.var0 as parameter

  • Returns the value of the operation ~glib.var0 on the score glib.res0.


  • Calculate and display ~452

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 452
    function glib.math:bitwise/not
    tellraw @a [{"text":"~452 = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "glib.res0"}, "color": "gold"}]

OR logic๏ƒ

or: Computes the bit to bit disjunction of the two input numbers

  • Takes as parameters the scores glib.var0 and glib.var1.

  • Returns the value of the operation glib.var0 | glib.var1 on the score glib.res0.

  • If one of the inputs is negative, the operation will be done between the first operand and the twoโ€™s complement of the second


  • Calculate and display -9 | 57.

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 -9
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var1 57
    function glib.math:bitwise/gold
    tellraw @a [{"text":"-9 | 57 = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "glib.res0"}, "color": "gold"}]

Complement to 2๏ƒ

two_complement: Computes the twoโ€™s complement of the input

  • Takes the score glib.var0 as parameter

  • Returns the twoโ€™s complement of glib.var0 over the score glib.res0.


  • Calculate and display the twoโ€™s complement of 12

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 12
    function glib.math:bitwise/to_complement
    tellraw @a [{"text": "Two's complement of 12 = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "glib.res0"}, "color": "gold"}]

OR exclusive๏ƒ

xor: Computes the exclusive bit by bit disjunction of the two input numbers

  • Takes as parameters the scores glib.var0 and glib.var1.

  • Returns the value of the operation glib.var0 ^ glib.var1 on the score glib.res0

  • If one of the inputs is negative, the operation will be done between the first operand and the twoโ€™s complement of the second


  • Calculate and display -9 ^ 57

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 -9
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var1 57
    function glib.math:bitwise/xor
    tellraw @a [{"text":"-9 ^ 57 = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "glib.res0"}, "color": "gold"}]


glib.math:common/: this folder contains the usual math functions

Rounded division๏ƒ

divide: Allows you to divide one number by another by rounding the result to the nearest whole number (where Minecraft rounds down to the next whole number).

  • Takes as input the scores glib.var0 and glib.var1

  • Returns the result on the score glib.res0


  • Calculate 9 / 5:

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 9
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var1 5
    function glib.math:common/divide
    tellraw @a [{"text": "9 / 5 = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "glib.res0"}, "color": "gold"}]


exp: Compute the exponential of the number passed in parameter on the score glib.var0 and return the result on the score glib.res0

  • In order to take into account a certain number of decimals, glib.var0 must be multiplied by 100 and glib.res0 is multiplied by 1000

  • Due to technical constraints, this system is limited to a glib.var0 within an interval of [-6000,12000] (i.e. [-6;12] in real value)


  • Calculate exp(3):

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 300
    function glib.math:common/exp
    tellraw @a [{"text":"exp(3)*10^3 = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"glib.res0"},"color":"gold"}]


factorial: Compute the factorial of the number passed in parameter on the score glib.var0 and return the result on the score glib.res0.


  • Compute 3!

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 3
    function glib.math:common/factorial
    tellraw @a [{"text": "3! = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"glib.res0"},"color":"gold"}]

Greatest common denominator๏ƒ

gcd: Compute the greatest common denominator of the two numbers passed in parameter on the scores glib.var0 and glib.var1 then return the result on the score glib.res0.


  • Calculate the greatest common denominator between 16 and 12 :

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 16
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var1 12
    function glib.math:common/gcd
    tellraw @a [{"text": "gcd(16,12) = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "glib.res0"}, "color": "gold"}]

Neperian logarithm๏ƒ

log: Compute the Neperian logarithm (base e) of the number passed in parameter on the score glib.var0 and return the result on the score glib.res0.

  • For precision, the parameters of the function and the returned value are multiplied by 1000 in order to store 3 decimals


  • Calculate ln(28):

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 28000
    function glib.math:common/log
    tellraw @a [{"text":"ln(28)*10^3 = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"glib.res0"},"color":"gold"}]

Logarithm in base 2๏ƒ

log2: Compute the logarithm in base 2 of the number passed in parameter on the score glib.var0 and return the result on the score glib.res0.

  • For precision, the parameters of the function and the returned value are multiplied by 1000 in order to store 3 decimals


  • Calculate log2(28):

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 28000
    function glib.math:common/log2
    tellraw @a [{"text":"log2(28)*10^3 = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"glib.res0"},"color":"gold"}]

Logarithm in base 10๏ƒ

log10: Compute the logarithm in base 10 of the number passed in parameter on the score glib.var0 and return the result on the score glib.res0.

  • For precision, the parameters of the function and the returned value are multiplied by 1000 in order to store 3 decimals


  • Calculate log10(28):

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 28000
    function glib.math:common/log10
    tellraw @a [{"text":"log10(28)*10^3 = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"glib.res0"},"color":"gold"}]

Logarithm in base a๏ƒ

loga: Computes the logarithm of the number passed in parameter on the score glib.var0 using as base the name passed in parameter on the score glib.var1 and returns the result on the score glib.res0

  • For precision, the parameters of the function and the returned value are multiplied by 1000 in order to store 3 decimals


  • Calculate log4(28):

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 28000
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var1 4
    function glib.math:common/loga
    tellraw @a [{"text":"log4(28)*10^3 = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"glib.res0"},"color":"gold"}]


pow: Compute the product of the number passed in parameter on the score glib.var0 raised to the power of the number passed in parameter on the score glib.var1, then return the result on the score glib.res0


  • Compute 2^6:

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 2
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var1 6
    function glib.math:common/pow
    tellraw @a [{"text": "2^6 = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "glib.res0"}, "color": "gold"}]

Square root๏ƒ

sqrt: Compute the square root of the number (ex: Sqrt(16) = 4 because 4^2 = 4x4 = 16)

  • Takes as parameter the score glib.var0 greater than or equal to 0 (corresponding to a value with a precision of 1:1)

  • Returns the value of the cosine on the score glib.res0 greater than or equal to 0 (corresponding to a value with a precision of 1:1)


  • Calculate and display the square root of 42:

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 42
    function glib.math:common/sqrt
    tellraw @a [{"text": "sqrt(42) = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "glib.res0"}, "color": "gold"}]


glib.math:special/: this folder contains functions that are of special interest in algortihms (but not or not much in formal mathematics)

Retrieve the next power of 2๏ƒ

get_next_pow2: compute the power of 2 directly superior to the number given in parameter on the score glib.var0 and return the result on glib.res0.


  • Find the power of 2 greater than 43

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 43
    function glib.math:special/get_next_pow2
    tellraw @a [{"text":"get_next_pow2(43) = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"glib.res0"},"color":"gold"}]

Random number generator๏ƒ

random: Generates a random number and returns the result on the glib.res0 score

  • To reduce this interval, execute the function then do a โ€œmoduloโ€ operation on the result (random % 10 -> the random number will be included in the interval [0;9])


  • Get and display a random number between 0 and 100:

    # Once
    function glib.math:special/random
    scoreboard players operation @s glib.res0 %= 101 glib.const
    tellraw @a [{"text": "random() = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "glib.res0"}, "color": "gold"}]
    Beware: the score `glib.const` does not contain all possible
    values. Make sure the value you want to use exists and initialize it
    if necessary.


glib.math:trig/: this folder contains basic trigonometry functions, opening a lot of doors to creative possibilities in Minecraft.


arccos: Calculate the arccosinus of a value between -1 and 1

  • Takes as parameter the score glib.var0 between -1000 and 1000 (translating a value from -1 to 1 with a precision of 1:1000)

  • Returns the value of the arccosine on the score glib.res0 (corresponding to an angle with a precision of 1:1 degree)


  • Calculate and display the arccos of 0,42

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 420
    function glib.math:trig/arccos
    tellraw @a [{"text":"arccos(0.42) = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"glib.res0"},"color":"gold"}]


arcsin: Compute the arcsinus of a value between -1 and 1

  • Takes as parameter the score glib.var0 between -1000 and 1000 (translating a value from -1 to 1 with a precision of 1:1000)

  • Returns the value of the arcsine on the score glib.res0 (corresponding to an angle with a precision of 1:1 degree)


  • Calculate and display the arcsinus of 0.42

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 420
    function glib.math:trig/arcsin
    tellraw @a [{"text":"arcsin(0.42) = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"glib.res0"},"color":"gold"}]


arctan: Compute the arctangent of a value between -infinite and +infinite

  • Takes as parameter the score glib.var0 (translating a value with a precision of 1:1000)

  • Returns the value of the arctangeant on the score glib.res0 (corresponding to an angle with a precision of 1:1 degree)


  • Calculate and display the arctan of 0.42

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 420
    function glib.math:trig/arctan
    tellraw @a [{"text":"arctan(0.42) = ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"glib.res0"},"color":"gold"}]


cos: Compute the cosine of an angle between 0 and 360

  • Takes as parameter the score glib.var0 between 0 and 360 (corresponding to an angle with a precision of 1:1 degree)

  • Returns the value of the cosine on the score glib.res0 between -1000 and 1000 (translating a value from -1 to 1 with a precision of 1:1000)


  • Calculate and display the cosine of 42

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 42
    function glib.math:trig/cos
    tellraw @a [{"text": "cos(42) = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "glib.res0"}, "color": "gold"}]


sin: Computes the sine of an angle between 0 and 360

  • Takes as parameter the score glib.var0 between 0 and 360 (corresponding to an angle with a precision of 1:1 degree)

  • Returns the value of the sine on the score glib.res0 between -1000 and 1000 (translating a value from -1 to 1 with a precision of 1:1000)


  • Calculate and display the sine of 42

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 42
    function glib.math:trig/sin
    tellraw @a [{"text": "sin(42) = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "glib.res0"}, "color": "gold"}]


tan: Compute the tangeant of an angle between 0 and 360

  • Takes as parameter the score glib.var0 between 0 and 360 (corresponding to an angle with a precision of 1:1 degree)

  • Returns the value of the tangeante on the score glib.res0 between -infinite and +infinite (translating a value with a precision of 1:1000)


  • Calculate and display the tengeante of 42

    # Once
    scoreboard players set @s glib.var0 42
    function glib.math:trig/tan
    tellraw @a [{"text": "tan(42) = ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "glib.res0"}, "color": "gold"}]