⛰️ Biome

glib.biome: all function concerning biome properties.

Can it rain?

can_rain: Determine if it can rain or not.

  • Requires that the glib.temperature score is defined on the executing entity

  • Returns the tag glib.canRain if it can rain.


Knowing if it can rain where the players are

# Once
execute as @a run glib.biome:get
execute as @a run glib.biome:get_temperature
execute as @a run glib.biome:can_rain

# See the result
execute as @a[tag=glib.canRain] run say Where I am, it can rain!
execute as @a[tag=!glib.canRain] run say Where I am, it never rains...

Can it snow?

can_snow: Determine if it can snow or not.

  • Requires the glib.temperature score to be set on the running entity

  • Returns the tag glib.canSnow if it can snow.


Knowing if it can rain where the players are

# Once
execute as @a run glib.biome:get
execute as @a run glib.biome:get_temperature
execute as @a run glib.biome:can_snow

# See the result
execute as @a[tag=glib.canSnow] run say Where I am, it can rain!
execute as @a[tag=!glib.canSnow] run say Where I am, it never snows...

Get biome ID

get: Detects the biome in which the current entity is located and stores it in the glib.biome score of the entity (see list of Biomes).


Get the biome in which each villager is located.

# Once
execute as @e[type=villager] run glib.biome:get

# See the result
tellraw @a ["",{"text":"<"},{"selector":"@s"},{"text":"> "},{"text":"Mon biome: ","color":"dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"glib.biome"},"color":"gold"}]

Get biome temperature

get_biome_temperature: Allows to retrieve the temperature of the biome at the execution position of the function.

  • The result will be stored on the score glib.temperature


Get the temperature of the biome in which each octopus is located

# Once
execute as @e[type=squid] run glib.biome:get_biome_temperature

# See the result
tellraw @a ["",{"text":"<"},{"selector":"@s"},{"text":">"},{"text": "The temperature of my biome: ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "glib.biome"}, "color": "gold"}]

Get block temperature

get_temperature: Allows to retrieve the temperature at the execution position of the function taking into account the temperature of the biome and its altitude.

  • The result will be stored on the score glib.temperature


Get the temperature at each polar bear

# Once
execute as @e[type=polar_bear] run glib.biome:get_temperature

# See the result
tellraw @a ["",{"text":"<"},{"selector":"@s"},{"text":">"},{"text": "The temperature where I am: ", "color": "dark_gray"},{"score":{"name":"@s", "objective": "glib.biome"}, "color": "gold"}]